Hi there!
I just tried refunding a random order only local site to see if I could see the same behavior, but I could not replicate what you’re seeing on your store. I could successfully process refunds:

Link to image: https://d.pr/i/GRf1sb
1. I clicked the refund button
2. Then entered $15 (or you can just select the quantity you’re refunding if you want to process full refunds)
3. Clicked Refund with Square
, and then the extension took care of the refunds for me.
Can you please follow the steps above and get back to me with your findings?
Is that a problem on one order only, or if it is experienced in all Square orders?
If you’re still having trouble with that, can you please get back to us with:
1. System Status Report:
* You can find it via WooCommerce > Status.
* Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.
2. Screenshot of the order details page, clearly displaying the order notes
[Please make sure that any personal details like address, email address, transaction ID’s are redacted]
If you don’t already have a screenshot service installed, you can try https://snipboard.io or https://skitch.com/. You can respond to this ticket with a link to the image itself after redacting personal details.
Thank you for working with us on this.