• It appears users can unsubscribe (by unchecking the ‘Receive notifications’ checkbox under the option Subscribe / Unsubscribe in their user profile.

    However, if they try resubscribing it doesn’t work. You can check the checkbox, but it doesn’t stay checked when you update the user.

    Example: https://www.screencast.com/t/faZkmbPSeAr

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  • Hello @orchidweb,

    We are sorry for the inconvenience that you are having currently. Is it possible to share more details on the scenario, regarding how can we reproduce it?

    If you are talking about this configuration: https://www.loom.com/share/c2b432d2fb6844bba0d0714acf7944c0 where you are unable to select some specific authors, after hitting the Update Preferences it automatically checked the Select / Unselect All checkbox. Then this is to inform you that we are concern about this, and hopefully, very soon we will be able to implement all the improvements in order to improve this.


    Thread Starter orchidweb


    Hi @reachmazharul, thanks for your reply.

    Here’s a quick Loom screencast to explain the issue: https://www.loom.com/share/e7824da6f4ed4972949d60855e37189a

    Hello @orchidweb,

    We appreciate your kind consideration in sharing the video. But it seems like you may have used a third-party extension/module for that feature. Because by default the core Subscribe2 plugin doesn’t add such an option to the user profile.

    So If this is the case that you are using a third-party extension or module, is it possible to get in touch with the author of that feature. That will be best. Hopefully, they can help you with the best possible solution regarding this.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter orchidweb


    Thanks for your reply @reachmazharul, but this functionality is definitely part of the core Subscribe2 plugin. Here are lines 1126-1137 of subscribe2/classes/class-s2-admin.php:

    /* ===== functions to show & handle one-click subscription ===== */
    * Show form for one-click subscription on user profile page
    public function one_click_profile_form( $user ) {
    echo '<h3>' . esc_html__( 'Email subscription', 'subscribe2' ) . '</h3>' . "\r\n";
    echo '<table class="form-table">' . "\r\n";
    echo '<tr><th scope="row">' . esc_html__( 'Subscribe / Unsubscribe', 'subscribe2' ) . '</th>' . "\r\n";
    echo '<td><label><input type="checkbox" name="sub2-one-click-subscribe" value="1" ' . checked( ! get_user_meta( $user->ID, $this->get_usermeta_keyname( 's2_subscribed' ), true ), false, false ) . ' /> ' . esc_html__( 'Receive notifications', 'subscribe2' ) . '</label><br>' . "\r\n";
    echo '<span class="description">' . esc_html__( 'Check if you want to receive email notification when new posts are published', 'subscribe2' ) . '</span>' . "\r\n";
    echo '</td></tr></table>' . "\r\n";
    Thread Starter orchidweb


    Hi @reachmazharul do you have any ideas regarding this?

    As you can see above, that section on the user’s edit profile screen is definitely generated from the Subscribe2 plugin…

    Any idea why the checking/unchecking the checkbox wouldn’t be working for some users?

    Hello @orchidweb, Before going any further, please accept my sincere apology for the delay and not being able to catch the scenario that you were referring to.

    Yes, I was able to reproduce the whole scenario that, we will be needing some improvement to make the Subscribe/Unsubscribe checkbox from the individual user profile work properly.

    On behalf of you, I have raised the scenario on GitHub. Which you can check, follow or vote from here: https://github.com/weMail/Subscribe2/issues/3 Hopefully, very soon our team will take all the necessary steps to resolve the scenario.


    Thread Starter orchidweb


    Thanks @reachmazharul, I appreciate your reply and it’s good to hear a fix is planned to be put in place.

    Unfortunately we had to move to use the MailPoet plugin as a solution as time was of the essence.

    Hi @reachmazharul,
    I have the same problem here. Do you think it will be fixed soon?
    I saw on GitHub it’s sill waiting…

    Could you please tell me, in the database, which line matches this checkboxe? So at least i can change the value on PhPMyAdmin?

    Thank you,

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