I deactivated all plugins and re-enabled them one at a time. WP allowed me to save a draft after each re-enable.
However, now that I have my content, I can’t publish!
Installed plugins are:
Admin Color Scheme
Advanced Drafts
Ajax Event Calendar
All-in-One Event Calendar
Better Plugin Compatibility Control
Colored Admin Posts
Columns Extension
Confirm User
Custom Meta
Dashboard Commander
Display Posts Shortcode
Draft List
Easy Code Placement
Enhanced Text Widget
Featured Image Admin Thumb
Force Plugin Updates Check
Google XML Sitemaps
HideShow Password
IPLocation Tools
Menu Icons
My Category Order
New User Dashboard Widget
NextScripts Social Network Auto Poster
Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions
Re-add text underline and justify
Revive Old Posts
Select Restore Lost Functionality
Shortcodes Pro
Smart Quotes Fixer
This Day In History
Top 10
User Role Editor
Wordpress Auto Featured Image
WP Add Custom CSS
WP Scheduled Posts