@bcourcet – I think I misunderstood a bit the first time. Ok so you can choose the Video Tag rule, but none appear in the tag chooser?
If so can you check your console (F12
key usually, then console tab), for errors during this process.
The only thing that makes since is if there was an error from the REST API when searching those items, this could be a PHP error on the server preventing the response from being sent.
Maybe check PHP error logs on your hosting dashboard as well, anything that might be helpful at narrowing down the cuplrit.
Last option would be to install the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin, with that you can enable Troubleshooting mode on our plugin. This will deactivate (only for you) all the other plugins.
Then you can follow the following to narrow down the conflict:
- Activate other plugins a few at a time.
- Test if it works. If so, return to step #1.
- If it breaks, deactivate each plugin you just enabled one at a time.
- Test if it works. If not, return to step #3.
- If it works, the last plugin deactivated is a conflict.
- Deactivate that one, return to step #1 skipping known conflicts.
- Follow this until you have a list of all the conflicting plugins.