• eblosch


    My client uses SugarSync for remote storage, and BackWPUp to store daily backups.

    The job in question backs up the db (all tables, gzipped), files (themes only), plugin list (text), and runs a db table check.

    When the process is run manually, it says Starting upload to SugarSync, finishes, says backup transferred, and immediately shows the ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts error message.

    The backup is transferred successfully to SugarSync, but because of the error, the only way to complete the sequence is to click ‘Abort’. I haven’t run this as a scheduled process yet. I’d like to resolve this first.

    I have max script execution time at 20s. Here’s the log:

    [INFO] BackWPup 3.4.4; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress 4.9.4 on https://lccf.org/
    [INFO] Log Level: Debug 
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Daily backup (SugarSync); DBDUMP+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] Runs with user: (0) 
    [INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 7.0.27 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 120 seconds
    [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 20 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.6.36-82.1-log
    [INFO] Web Server: Apache
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.53.0; OpenSSL/1.0.2k
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /[root]/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-b1057a-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /[root]/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-b1057a-logs/backwpup_log_b1057a_2018-02-22_13-21-30.html
    [INFO] Backup file is: /[root]/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-b1057a-temp/lccf-daily-backup-2018-02-22_13-21-30_YKYQK6VV02_ISYQK6SV02.tar.gz
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] 1. Try to backup database …
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Connected to database [db] on localhost
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_blc_filters" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_blc_instances" with "~931" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_blc_links" with "~742" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_blc_synch" with "~172" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_commentmeta" with "14" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_comments" with "4" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_events_rec" with "1" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_eventscalendar_main" with "2" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_links" with "7" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_my_calendar" with "9" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_my_calendar_categories" with "1" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_my_calendar_events" with "~9" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_my_calendar_locations" with "5" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_options" with "406" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_postmeta" with "4100" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_posts" with "3780" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_categories" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_domains" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_keywords" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword0" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword1" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword2" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword3" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword4" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword5" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword6" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword7" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword8" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyword9" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyworda" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keywordb" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keywordc" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keywordd" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keyworde" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_link_keywordf" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_links" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_pending" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_query_log" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_site_category" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_sites" with "1" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_sph_temp" with "0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_swpm_members_tbl" with "~72" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_swpm_membership_meta_tbl" with "~3" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_swpm_membership_tbl" with "~2" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_swpm_payments_tbl" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_term_relationships" with "227" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_term_taxonomy" with "28" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_termmeta" with "44" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_terms" with "28" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_usermeta" with "1886" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_users" with "100" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_yoast_seo_links" with "~171" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wp_yoast_seo_meta" with "~139" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wpsm_commentmeta" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wpsm_comments" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wpsm_links" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:30] Backup database table "wpsm_options" with "~401" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_postmeta" with "~124" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_posts" with "~48" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_swpm_members_tbl" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_swpm_membership_meta_tbl" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_swpm_membership_tbl" with "~2" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_swpm_payments_tbl" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_term_relationships" with "~9" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_term_taxonomy" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_termmeta" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_terms" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_usermeta" with "~37" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_users" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup database table "wpsm_wpsdb_alter_statements" with "~0" records
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Added database dump "[filename].sql.gz" with 3.47 MB to backup file list
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Database backup done!
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Added plugin list file "lccf-plugin-list.2018-02-22.txt" with 3.05 KB to backup file list.
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Added manifest.json file with 6.13 KB to backup file list.
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Adding Extra files to Archive
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/images/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/admin/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/admin/images/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/admin/images/layouts/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/classes/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/css/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/css/fonts/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/functions/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/js/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/js/menu/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/languages/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/shortcodes/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/structure/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/widgets/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/fonts/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/fonts/font-awesome-4.7.0/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/fonts/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/fonts/font-awesome-4.7.0/fonts/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/fonts/font-awesome-4.7.0/less/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/fonts/font-awesome-4.7.0/scss/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/images/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/scripts/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/scripts/min/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/styles/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/assets/styles/min/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/includes/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/languages/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archiving Folder: /[root]/wp-content/themes/lccf/templates/
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Backup archive created.
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] Archive size is 4.73 MB.
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] 195 Files with 7.12 MB in Archive.
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:31] 1. Try to send backup to SugarSync …
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:32] Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname [username]
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:32] 247.31 GB available at SugarSync
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:32] Starting upload to SugarSync …
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:51] Backup transferred to https://[path]/lccf-daily-backup-2018-02-22_13-21-30_YKYQK6VV02_ISYQK6SV02.tar.gz
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:53] One file deleted on SugarSync folder
    [22-Feb-2018 13:21:53] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Support happyAnt


    Hi @eblosch
    Please try go to BackWPUp -> Settings -> Jobs -> Maximum number of retries for job steps -> set to 5 and then try again.
    Is that helps?

    Thread Starter eblosch


    Hi @duongcuong96, no luck:

    [28-Feb-2018 18:29:56] Starting upload to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:30:54] WARNING: Signal "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) is sent to script!
    [28-Feb-2018 18:30:56] 2. Try to send backup to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:30:57] Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname [username]
    [28-Feb-2018 18:30:57] 247.25 GB available at SugarSync
    [28-Feb-2018 18:30:58] Starting upload to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:31:56] WARNING: Signal "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) is sent to script!
    [28-Feb-2018 18:31:57] 3. Try to send backup to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:31:58] Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname [username]
    [28-Feb-2018 18:31:58] 247.25 GB available at SugarSync
    [28-Feb-2018 18:31:58] Starting upload to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:32:57] WARNING: Signal "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) is sent to script!
    [28-Feb-2018 18:32:59] 4. Try to send backup to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:33:00] Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname [username]
    [28-Feb-2018 18:33:00] 247.25 GB available at SugarSync
    [28-Feb-2018 18:33:00] Starting upload to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:33:58] WARNING: Signal "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) is sent to script!
    [28-Feb-2018 18:34:00] 5. Try to send backup to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:34:00] Authenticated to SugarSync with nickname [username]
    [28-Feb-2018 18:34:00] 247.25 GB available at SugarSync
    [28-Feb-2018 18:34:01] Starting upload to SugarSync …
    [28-Feb-2018 18:34:59] WARNING: Signal "SIGTERM" (Termination signal) is sent to script!
    [28-Feb-2018 18:35:01] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    [28-Feb-2018 18:35:01] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 482 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
    Plugin Support happyAnt


    ” Signal “SIGTERM” (Termination signal) is sent to script!” happens because of BackWPUp progress was interrupted unexpectedly when running. I think your server has closed BWP progress when it running.
    Please try the following:
    go to BackWPUp -> Settings -> Job tab -> Reduce server load and choose maximum and then try again.
    Is that works?

    Thread Starter eblosch


    Thanks @duongcuong96, tried reducing server load to maximum, but still no luck. Same log as before… here’s the final few lines:

    [01-Mar-2018 14:07:09] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    [01-Mar-2018 14:07:09] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 703 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
    Plugin Support happyAnt


    maybe the problem when it tries to upload the backup file to SugarSync.
    Is this problem only happens with SugarSync?
    Could you please try to upload to Dropbox or something else?

    Thread Starter eblosch


    Thanks @duongcuong96, unfortunately the larger backup (700mb+) fails on Dropbox as well. I’m really happy with all of the options BackWPUp provides, and I use it on other projects, but for this combination We may just need to look for another backup solution.



    Plugin Support happyAnt


    Hi @eblosch
    sorry to hear that :(, normally, BWP still working just fine with large backup ( Already tried with 2gb+ backup ).
    But could you please comment in here if you find another solution that working for you?
    Maybe we can learn from this ??
    Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter eblosch


    Will do, @duongcuong96, appreciate the support here!

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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