Hi Mike,
Thanks your reply.
In regards to the $129 fee, I do believe it is excessive especially if it requires my time working with my hosting provider to get WordPress installed. My time is not free especially and no where on the .com site have I read the fee may be reduced if my time is needed to work with my hosting company.
Based on my experience in IT I am fully capable of doing the import myself and since it is not going as expected, all I need is guidance on what needs to be done. If I need to pay someone to install it, I know enough IT professionals in database and network expertise that will charge me significantly less than $839 / hour.
At this moment a conservative estimate of my time spent on this issue is 5 hours, including researching the issue, contacting my hosting company to change the php.ini file size and trying to make the install work. When I charge for my time, for IT, I charge $20 – $30 / hour.
Plus if WordPress .com can do it flawlessly in 10 minutes then it means the cost per hour is $839 / hour ($139*6). No one in their right mind would pay someone $839 / hour to install a WordPress site form an export file.
Moving on to my import issue, I have taken smaller import of posts published in June 2012, file size 486KB. This time no error message and it has taken me to another screen asking for author and attachment. I chose the admin name for author and receive an error message “Failed to import [post name] Invalid Post Type.”
In my opinion, I believe .com is exporting a file that is not allowing .org to import. If this is the is the situation then .com should either fix the issue, at no charge, or do the install to .org at no charge. Simply put I believe there is a translation issue where .org is unable to read the .com file. This can be due to issues with the export, how the file is being read, or another issue.
I know at one point there was a plugin to break a file down but I do not see it available.
Alternatively if there is an issue with my web hosting company then please let me know what changes need to be made to allow the file to export. I have another WP site on my hosting company under a different domain that is running without issue but I did not have to do an export. Finally, I have not had any issue with my hosting company and I struggle to see how a .xml file of any size, especially when I have no size restriction, can cause issues.
Finally I have come across this post, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/failure-to-import-and-invalid-post-type-errors?replies=20
I will try it and update.