• I’ve read every post I can find on this topic and I’ve have found no solution

    I’ve changed the owner of all the folders and files to to be owned by apache server. In this case “_www” is the process that owns Apache in my my LAMP set up.

    And I’ve change permissions on the files to 775 and 777 for both wp-content and uploads with still no luck. Each time I get the same message

    “image-name.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
    Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2013/04. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    This is driving me crazy. Any help would be appreciated it.

    One odd thing I also noticed was that when I changed the permissions of the uploads directory to 777 it broke all my images on the site. This seems strange as well.


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  • See if your WP installation root folder also has enough permission.

    Thread Starter Philip Isaacs


    He SelfHostedWP.com,

    I checked and the root folder does in deed have permissions.

    I’m guessing from the lack of feedback on this question, that this is probably something specific to my web setup and there’s no straightforward solution. But I do appreciate the feedback.

    Thanks so much,


    Yes, it does looks like a perculiar problem related to your web server permission and server file permissions. It would depend:

    1. What “user” your Web Server (usually Apache) is using access the files.

    2. It depends if your web server uses mod_php (Apache Module) or fastcgi, suphp as your user account to accesss the files.

    So I think only your hosting support can solve the issue for you. Good luck!

    Thread Starter Philip Isaacs



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