• Hi! I’ve just moved my content from my old wordpress.com (urbanroamer.wordpress.com) blog to a self-hosted site (www.theurbanroamer.com) via www.ads-software.com and put my old wordpress.com site to private when it was all done. all my content was transferred ok except for issues with some of my photos. when I visit my old posts that were transferred, I noticed I got broken link images and when I click on them, I get a wordpress error saying “403: Access Denied — This file requires authorization” and I can only view the photos if I am logged in to wordpress.com and/or if I set my old site to public. that being said, is there anything I did wrong in the transfer? moving forward, what can I do so I can let others see the media without having to log in to wordpress and/or having me to set my site to public? thanks to anyone who can help me on this one!

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