• I have paid for my wordpress site and used it for over two months now no problem. I wake up this morning to write a post and there are banner ads in the beginning of my posts and above my dashboard in the back office.

    I have no idea how to get rid of them. It isn’t from my hosting site (host gator) because I contacted them and they don’t post ads in websites.

    Ad blocker just keeps them from delivering, but they still take up the space in and above my blog. Someone please help I have no idea how to fix this!

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  • It is because of adware/malicious codes from rogue robots. Can you post your site URL?

    Thread Starter bdbanfor


    According to this – https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/brett-banford.com
    your site seems fine.

    The only pop up that is for a free 7 day fitness camp. It looks like it’s coming from a plugin called pop-up domination.

    Thread Starter bdbanfor


    yes and I have that one for my site, but the ads show up in my back office of wordpress. When I go to write a new post it has banners in the posting area as well as above the toolbar at the top of wordpress.

    Nothing to worry about excepting some embedding of unusual characters (not infection). You may do the following immediately:
    1. Deactivate all plugins,
    2. Revert to Twenty Eleven

    It will resolve the problem, I think.
    After that activate the plugins one by one to see if any of them are causing the problem.

    Try and report back.

    Sorry, I did not know you were posting. I was doing the same checks.

    Thread Starter bdbanfor


    deactivated every plug in and switched themes, ads still appears and now its starting to appear in other websites as well, but not all of them just some. I am really confused. I thought it was a browser thing, but it occurs across multiple browsers, man I’m lost!

    Please contact your host, it seems to be a case of adware being injected by bots. I have already seen such characters in your site as I mentioned earlier.

    It could also be that your machine is infected. I would run a scanner and see if there’s an infection.

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