• ukcliffjones


    I have a commenter who says they have been banned from commenting on my website. It is possible that I marked one of their comments as spam, but I’d really like to enable them to post again. Is there a way to unban them so they can comment?

    I am using Akismet Spam and have checked the boz which says “Comment author must have a previously approved comment “, but I can’t figure out why one reader in particular can’t comment.

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  • myrnatheminx


    I have a sort of related problem. I have a user that claims they cannot comment under one handle (The Man) but they can under a different one (Mr Johnson) and they are giving me all kinds of crap about banning them even though I haven’t. I need to try and get to the bottom of this just to get this guy off my back. I have never banned a commenter or user, I don’t even know how. This is the ONLY commenter I have heard this from.

    He says that he writes the comment but it doesnt show up on under the post and when he tries to repost the comment, he gets a duplicate comment error.

    Here is a post in which he claims this is happening.

    My site

    Is there a place I can look for error messages or something that would show what is going on? I am sorry but I am using version 1.5.2

    I am also using the following active plugins:
    spam referer
    adsense deluxe




    I found my problem. The idiot was using @espn as their email address so it was going into spam.

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