I have the same error. I see the exception, and at the bottom of the issue, it reads: “Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size” I was able to make a donation today without an issue. What is the problem with error, and how can it be resolved? Could it have been a block initiated on his side? I see that the donor’s email address is @dol.gov
"Query": "SELECT id, user_id AS userId, email, name, purchase_value AS totalAmountDonated, purchase_count AS totalDonations, payment_ids AS paymentIds, date_created AS createdAt, token, verify_key AS verifyKey, verify_throttle AS verifyThrottle, give_donormeta_attach_meta_0.meta_value AS firstName, give_donormeta_attach_meta_1.meta_value AS lastName, CONCAT('[',GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT('\"',give_donormeta_attach_meta_2.meta_value,'\"')),']') AS additionalEmails, give_donormeta_attach_meta_3.meta_value AS prefix FROM _JXW_give_donors LEFT JOIN _JXW_give_donormeta give_donormeta_attach_meta_0 ON ID = give_donormeta_attach_meta_0.donor_id AND give_donormeta_attach_meta_0.meta_key = '_give_donor_first_name' LEFT JOIN _JXW_give_donormeta give_donormeta_attach_meta_1 ON ID = give_donormeta_attach_meta_1.donor_id AND give_donormeta_attach_meta_1.meta_key = '_give_donor_last_name' LEFT JOIN _JXW_give_donormeta give_donormeta_attach_meta_2 ON ID = give_donormeta_attach_meta_2.donor_id AND give_donormeta_attach_meta_2.meta_key = 'additional_email' LEFT JOIN _JXW_give_donormeta give_donormeta_attach_meta_3 ON ID = give_donormeta_attach_meta_3.donor_id AND give_donormeta_attach_meta_3.meta_key = '_give_donor_title_prefix' WHERE email = '[email protected]' GROUP BY ID,firstName,lastName,prefix",
"Query Errors": {
"db_delta_error": [
"Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size"
Thank you for any guidance you can provide, GIVEWP