• I’ve been trying to get CongressLookup to work on various pages. APIs are for sure working fine, but every time I try to use it, I put in the address, hit “Find”, and then the page refreshes, defaults back to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and shows no results.

    Here’s what the console is showing me:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: getCongressFromAddress is not defined
        at HTMLFormElement.onsubmit (VM693:346)
    onsubmit	@	VM693:346

    Clicking on VM693:346 shows me:

    return getCongressFromAddress(this, 0, 5555874);

    I’m also getting this error:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: getCongressData is not defined
        at ?showon=all&congress_address=&submit=Find:394
        at geocoder.js:4
        at geocoder.js:2
        at cR (geocoder.js:2)
        at Wn.d [as m] (geocoder.js:2)
        at Object.c [as _qghrzc] (common.js:77)
        at GeocodeService.Search?5m2&1d38.898030695437946&2d-77.02987910629884&7sUS&9sen-US&callback=_xdc_._qghrzc&key=AIzaSyDmbj_iMDIG_3smbY5MfDeX8qQxG1BDiyo&token=67346:1
    (anonymous) @ ?showon=all&congress_address=&submit=Find:394
    (anonymous) @ geocoder.js:4
    (anonymous) @ geocoder.js:2
    cR @ geocoder.js:2
    d @ geocoder.js:2
    c @ common.js:77
    (anonymous) @ GeocodeService.Search?5m2&1d38.898030695437946&2d-77.02987910629884&7sUS&9sen-US&callback=_xdc_._qghrzc&key=AIzaSyDmbj_iMDIG_3smbY5MfDeX8qQxG1BDiyo&token=67346:1

    I really, really want this to work, so any help would be super appreciated.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ConstructiveGrowth


    I am sorry you are having this issue. As this does not occur on our main site, https://congresslookup.com/, then it must be something specific to your website.

    Please do make sure you have both Google Maps API and Google Civic API turned on and no restrictions on the API key. You must also sign up for Google billing before they will allow the keys to work.

    Most problems are solved by going through the Troubleshooting steps on the main plugin page: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/congresslookup/ Please go through these steps in order to fix common problems.

    Once you have taken the above steps, please report back and let us know what happened so we may assist you further.

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