• Resolved banana828


    When I try to access the Elementor editor I get “The preview could not be loaded”. The website itself works perfectly. 1 + 1 =2 and that makes me think this is not a plugin error, which Elementor seems to love pointing at in times of need.

    I had this problem before after updating and the trick was to enable (or disable, can’t remember) the Global Style Guide. So, when I got the update and the error I happily thought: I KNOW THIS SOLUTION!

    But this setting is removed *facepalm*

    I can’t just deactivate plugins while there are 300 people on the website!

    Things I have tried:

    1. https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/uncaught-typeerror-e-o-is-not-a-function/
    2. Google, usually gave the same solutions as bullet 1
    3. ChatGPT, why do people use this? Never works (for me)
    4. Clear all kinds of caching I could find
    5. Checked for plugins in with updates (none found)

    Any suggestions (solution would be best) are welcome!

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