unconfirmed users issue
We have a site that is a members only site, we create each users account and they are automatically signed up.
Until recently, any member we signed up we could send an email to.
But now, they get a status of unconfirmed, which means we can’t email them. The whole process is supposed to be as minimal as effort for them as possible, so we need to avoid the need for them to approve (confirm) at all costs.
We use your service to send emails, and because we sign each user up manually, they don’t get an email to ask for confirmation.
We now need to switch away from you sending the emails for us and use gmail, is it possible, and how, to change their status from unconfirmed to confirmed so that we can get back to sending them emails.
It’s a shame to switch away from your service, I understand the reasons behind the change, but it changes our way of using MailPoet dramatically.
Sadly, if we can’t get the emails to send we’ll have to switch to MailChimp, which I’d hate to do.
Hope you can help.
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