• Hello there! I need some help troubleshooting and found this recurrent error:

    [03-Nov-2023 22:43:47 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key “globals/typography?id=secondary” in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/kits/manager.php on line 323

    Is this a bug? It’s a website using PHP 8.2 and Learndash. May it be due to another plugin requesting some deprecated function?

    Let me know.

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  • Plugin Support Denny Paul



    It might be a conflict with your theme or plugins,

    Please follow these steps, and let me know if it solved your issue:

    – Deactivate all of your plugins except Elementor. If this solves the problem, gradually activate your plugins one by one, until you spot the problematic plugin.

    – switch your WordPress theme to WordPress TwentySixteen (or other default WordPress theme) temporarily – and see if it solves your error.

    I hope this information helped you.

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