• Resolved vee


    PHP Notice: Undefined index: themes in wp-content\plugins\wp-optimize\wp-optimize.php on line 133

    Version 3.2.2

    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   1. {main}() wordpress-dir\wp-cron.php:0
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   2. do_action_ref_array($hook_name = 'wp_version_check', $args = []) wordpress-dir\wp-cron.php:138
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   3. WP_Hook->do_action($args = []) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\plugin.php:522
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   4. WP_Hook->apply_filters($value = '', $args = []) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:331
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   5. wp_version_check($extra_stats = *uninitialized*, $force_check = *uninitialized*) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:307
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   6. do_action($hook_name = 'wp_maybe_auto_update') wordpress-dir\wp-includes\update.php:256
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   7. WP_Hook->do_action($args = [0 => '']) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\plugin.php:474
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   8. WP_Hook->apply_filters($value = '', $args = [0 => '']) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:331
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP   9. wp_maybe_auto_update('') wordpress-dir\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:307
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  10. WP_Automatic_Updater->run() wordpress-dir\wp-includes\update.php:729
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  11. WP_Automatic_Updater->update($type = 'theme', $item = class stdClass { public $theme = 'skinny'; public $new_version = '0.1'; public $url = 'https://my-self-hosted-themes.example/themeinfo?theme=skinny'; public $package = 'https://my-self-hosted-themes.example/downloads/?id=5&asset_auth_id=&check=eyJjaXBoZXJ0ZXh0Ijoib0ZEbnlJYitvU1lXYXRrd3c3YTA4TnE0eklMbmp6S0FKejJCUUJ1Sll0cGdNN0JmSGc5UnV4ditGQjR2Y0hLUEo3UlF2WEhZMUIremIrZWY3c0I4cm50SmdrZHR6eXpSYjdvazhOVHRKK29tQmx6Z2JZR1VveEd3cnpZV1d3K1ZTWkd3NjIxd0EwZUYyalh2YzZocHJRPT0iLCJpdiI6IjU5YWVkN2MwNjExNGZmNGI4NjczNWFjYmJkZmRmOGNmIiwic2FsdCI6IjgzZGM0ZjU3ZjRmMTQ4YTAzZWVlYThjNWFmOGU5OGRkYTQ1MjNiYzUyZDI5ZjMzOGRjNGIxZjIxNzM0MTAxOTJiNDJkYjY3MDNmMTRhZWY5MDliYTEwZGRmZTM5ZjAzMzhlMWVmMzIxMzUw'; public $current_version = '0.0' }) wordpress-dir\wp-admin\includes\class-wp-automatic-updater.php:481
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  12. Theme_Upgrader->upgrade($theme = 'skinny', $args = ['clear_update_cache' => FALSE, 'pre_check_md5' => FALSE, 'attempt_rollback' => TRUE, 'allow_relaxed_file_ownership' => FALSE]) wordpress-dir\wp-admin\includes\class-wp-automatic-updater.php:403
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  13. WP_Upgrader->run($options = ['package' => 'https://my-self-hosted-themes.example/downloads/?id=5&asset_auth_id=&check=eyJjaXBoZXJ0ZXh0Ijoib0ZEbnlJYitvU1lXYXRrd3c3YTA4TnE0eklMbmp6S0FKejJCUUJ1Sll0cGdNN0JmSGc5UnV4ditGQjR2Y0hLUEo3UlF2WEhZMUIremIrZWY3c0I4cm50SmdrZHR6eXpSYjdvazhOVHRKK29tQmx6Z2JZR1VveEd3cnpZV1d3K1ZTWkd3NjIxd0EwZUYyalh2YzZocHJRPT0iLCJpdiI6IjU5YWVkN2MwNjExNGZmNGI4NjczNWFjYmJkZmRmOGNmIiwic2FsdCI6IjgzZGM0ZjU3ZjRmMTQ4YTAzZWVlYThjNWFmOGU5OGRkYTQ1MjNiYzUyZDI5ZjMzOGRjNGIxZjIxNzM0MTAxOTJiNDJkYjY3MDNmMTRhZWY5MDliYTEwZGRmZTM5ZjAzMzhlMWVmMzIxMzUw', 'destination' => 'D:\\wwwroot\\wordpress\\singlesite/wp-content/themes', 'clear_destination' => TRUE, 'clear_working' => TRUE, 'hook_extra' => ['theme' => 'skinny', 'type' => 'theme', 'action' => 'update']]) wordpress-dir\wp-admin\includes\class-theme-upgrader.php:333
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  14. do_action($hook_name = 'upgrader_process_complete', ...$arg = variadic(class Theme_Upgrader { public $result = ['source' => 'wordpress-dir/wp-content/upgrade/skinnydev/skinny/', 'source_files' => [...], 'destination' => 'D:\\wwwroot\\wordpress\\singlesite/wp-content/themes/skinny/', 'destination_name' => 'skinny', 'local_destination' => 'D:\\wwwroot\\wordpress\\singlesite/wp-content/themes', 'remote_destination' => 'wordpress-dir/wp-content/themes/skinny/', 'clear_destination' => TRUE]; public $bulk = FALSE; public $new_theme_data = []; public $strings = ['bad_request' => 'Invalid data provided.', 'fs_unavailable' => 'Could not access filesystem.', 'fs_error' => 'Filesystem error.', 'fs_no_root_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress root directory.', 'fs_no_content_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress content directory (wp-content).', 'fs_no_plugins_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress plugin directory.', 'fs_no_themes_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress theme directory.', 'fs_no_folder' => 'Unable to locate needed folder (%s).', 'download_failed' => 'Download failed.', 'installing_package' => 'Installing the latest version…', 'no_files' => 'The package contains no files.', 'folder_exists' => 'Destination folder already exists.', 'mkdir_failed' => 'Could not create directory.', 'incompatible_archive' => 'The package could not be installed.', 'files_not_writable' => 'The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.', 'maintenance_start' => 'Enabling Maintenance mode…', 'maintenance_end' => 'Disabling Maintenance mode…', 'up_to_date' => 'The theme is at the latest version.', 'no_package' => 'Update package not available.', 'downloading_package' => 'Downloading update from <span class="code">%s</span>…', 'unpack_package' => 'Unpacking the update…', 'remove_old' => 'Removing the old version of the theme…', 'remove_old_failed' => 'Could not remove the old theme.', 'process_failed' => 'Theme update failed.', 'process_success' => 'Theme updated successfully.']; public $skin = class Automatic_Upgrader_Skin { protected $messages = [...]; public $upgrader = ...; public $done_header = FALSE; public $done_footer = FALSE; public $result = [...]; public $options = [...] }; public $update_count = 0; public $update_current = 0 }, ['theme' => 'skinny', 'type' => 'theme', 'action' => 'update'])) wordpress-dir\wp-admin\includes\class-wp-upgrader.php:858
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  15. WP_Hook->do_action($args = [0 => class Theme_Upgrader { public $result = [...]; public $bulk = FALSE; public $new_theme_data = [...]; public $strings = [...]; public $skin = class Automatic_Upgrader_Skin { ... }; public $update_count = 0; public $update_current = 0 }, 1 => ['theme' => 'skinny', 'type' => 'theme', 'action' => 'update']]) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\plugin.php:474
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  16. WP_Hook->apply_filters($value = '', $args = [0 => class Theme_Upgrader { public $result = [...]; public $bulk = FALSE; public $new_theme_data = [...]; public $strings = [...]; public $skin = class Automatic_Upgrader_Skin { ... }; public $update_count = 0; public $update_current = 0 }, 1 => ['theme' => 'skinny', 'type' => 'theme', 'action' => 'update']]) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:331
    [14-Feb-2022 04:30:05 UTC] PHP  17. WP_Optimize->detect_active_plugins_and_themes_updates($upgrader_object = class Theme_Upgrader { public $result = ['source' => 'wordpress-dir/wp-content/upgrade/skinnydev/skinny/', 'source_files' => [...], 'destination' => 'D:\\wwwroot\\wordpress\\singlesite/wp-content/themes/skinny/', 'destination_name' => 'skinny', 'local_destination' => 'D:\\wwwroot\\wordpress\\singlesite/wp-content/themes', 'remote_destination' => 'wordpress-dir/wp-content/themes/skinny/', 'clear_destination' => TRUE]; public $bulk = FALSE; public $new_theme_data = []; public $strings = ['bad_request' => 'Invalid data provided.', 'fs_unavailable' => 'Could not access filesystem.', 'fs_error' => 'Filesystem error.', 'fs_no_root_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress root directory.', 'fs_no_content_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress content directory (wp-content).', 'fs_no_plugins_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress plugin directory.', 'fs_no_themes_dir' => 'Unable to locate WordPress theme directory.', 'fs_no_folder' => 'Unable to locate needed folder (%s).', 'download_failed' => 'Download failed.', 'installing_package' => 'Installing the latest version…', 'no_files' => 'The package contains no files.', 'folder_exists' => 'Destination folder already exists.', 'mkdir_failed' => 'Could not create directory.', 'incompatible_archive' => 'The package could not be installed.', 'files_not_writable' => 'The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.', 'maintenance_start' => 'Enabling Maintenance mode…', 'maintenance_end' => 'Disabling Maintenance mode…', 'up_to_date' => 'The theme is at the latest version.', 'no_package' => 'Update package not available.', 'downloading_package' => 'Downloading update from <span class="code">%s</span>…', 'unpack_package' => 'Unpacking the update…', 'remove_old' => 'Removing the old version of the theme…', 'remove_old_failed' => 'Could not remove the old theme.', 'process_failed' => 'Theme update failed.', 'process_success' => 'Theme updated successfully.']; public $skin = class Automatic_Upgrader_Skin { protected $messages = [...]; public $upgrader = ...; public $done_header = FALSE; public $done_footer = FALSE; public $result = [...]; public $options = [...] }; public $update_count = 0; public $update_current = 0 }, $options = ['theme' => 'skinny', 'type' => 'theme', 'action' => 'update']) wordpress-dir\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php:307
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  • @okvee Thanks for reporting the issue, I’ll share the same with our development team for further investigation and it should get fixed in future release.

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