Undefined message when creating Category
I’m developing a site locally using Wamp.
When creating a Category I enter Name, Slug, Description and Image, choosing “Standard” as display type.
When clicking “Add New Category” a message in Red appears at the top of the screen saying “Undefined”.
The new category doesn’t appear until I navigate away from the page and click to view it again.
I’ve looked around online and found this snippet of code which I added to the functions.php in my child theme –
function woocommerceCategorySlug( $id ){ $term = get_term_by('id', $id, 'product_cat', 'ARRAY_A'); return $term['slug']; }
It hasn’t had any impact though, and I continue to get the “Undefined” message each time I create a category.
Can anyone advise on this please? I’m running the latest version of WordPress 4.7.5 and latest version of WooCommerce 3.0.7
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