• Resolved Sascha_Foerster


    Hi there, thanks for the great plugin, which really should be just core.

    I have an multisite (multinetwork) installation, with your plugin network-activated. It worked perfectly with our theme “Newspaper” in a single-dev-installation, but now: only grey men are visible, even though our authors have checked in for gravatar or uploaded pictures themselves.

    I cleaned up all the caches of your plugin, after that I could see this error message:

    PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in .../wordpress/wp-content/plugins/avatar-privacy/includes/avatar-privacy/components/class-avatar-handling.php on line 165, referer: https://bundesstadt.com/wp-admin/

    But from there, I am lost and I and all the authors here would appreciate your help:


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author pepe


    The notice is harmless and unrelated to the problem. Is the sourcecode for the theme publicly available somewhere? I’ve got a suspicion that it calls get_avatar with an email address instead of a user ID, so the plugin thinks these are anonymous comment authors instead of registered users.

    Plugin Author pepe


    @sascha_foerster Maybe I read through your report a bit hastily yesterday. The plugin works fine with your theme in a singlesite install? While I’m using it personally in a multisite install, I have not tried it in a multi-network environment (although theoretically it should be fine).

    All these authors are registered WP users?

    Plugin Author pepe


    The “undefined offset” warning is fixed in 1.0.7. I’d need more information for looking at the real issue, though.

    Thread Starter Sascha_Foerster


    Sorry for my late reply. I appreciate your quick action! I needed some time to look deeper into the problem and learn to use “grep”. We are using the theme “Newspaper”: https://themeforest.net/item/newspaper/5489609

    I looked into the files newspapers offers and here is what I found:

    ./Newspaper/functions.php:			$author_avatar = get_avatar( bbp_get_topic_author_id( $topic_id ), $size );
    ./Newspaper/functions.php:			$author_avatar = get_avatar( get_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_anonymous_email', true ), $size );
    ./Newspaper/includes/shortcodes/td_block_authors.php:                $buffy .= '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url($td_author->ID) . '">' . get_avatar($td_author->user_email, '70') . '</a>';
    ./Newspaper/includes/shortcodes/td_block_author.php:				    $buffy .= '<a href="#">' . get_avatar('', '196') . '</a>';
    ./Newspaper/includes/shortcodes/td_block_author.php:        $buffy .= '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url($td_author->ID) . '">' . get_avatar($td_author->user_email, '196') . '</a>';
    ./Newspaper/includes/wp_booster/td_module_single_base.php:            $buffy .= get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('email', $author_id), '96');
    ./Newspaper/includes/wp_booster/comments.php:	                    //echo get_avatar($td_comment_auth_email, 50, get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/avatar.jpg");
    ./Newspaper/includes/wp_booster/comments.php:	                    echo get_avatar($td_comment_auth_email, 50);
    ./Newspaper/mobile/comments.php:	                    //echo get_avatar($td_comment_auth_email, 50, get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/avatar.jpg");
    ./Newspaper/mobile/comments.php:	                    echo get_avatar($td_comment_auth_email, 50);
    ./Newspaper/mobile/parts/logged.php:		<div class="td-menu-avatar"><div class="td-avatar-container">' .	get_avatar($current_user->ID, 80) .	'</div></div>
    ./Newspaper/mobile/parts/login.php:        <div class="td-menu-avatar"><div class="td-avatar-container">' . get_avatar($current_user->ID, 80) . '</div></div>
    ./Newspaper/mobile/author.php:		        <?php  echo get_avatar($part_cur_auth_obj->user_email, '96'); ?>
    ./Newspaper/parts/logged.php:		<div class="td-menu-avatar"><div class="td-avatar-container">' .	get_avatar($current_user->ID, 80) .	'</div></div>
    ./Newspaper/parts/login.php:        <div class="td-menu-avatar"><div class="td-avatar-container">' . get_avatar($current_user->ID, 80) . '</div></div>
    ./Newspaper/parts/page-author-box.php:    <?php  echo get_avatar($part_cur_auth_obj->user_email, '96'); ?>
    ./Newspaper/parts/header/top-menu.php:                            get_avatar($current_user->ID, 20) . '<a href="' . get_author_posts_url($current_user->ID) . '" class="td_user_logd_in">' . $current_user->display_name . '</a>' .
    Plugin Author pepe


    Difficult to tell from single lines. The theme does work correctly with Avatar Privacy on a single-site installation?

    Thread Starter Sascha_Foerster


    Maybe I was wrong, so don’t get confused with it. I am not so sure, if maybe caching was helping somehow, I didn’t look into all the details there.

    I changed most places with “email” to “ID” and it works well. Had to create a child-theme for that.

    Only place, where it doesn’t work is comments: when I add ID, it looks like the author wrote all of the comments. ??

    Why is “email” not working here? Is there no way, because I try to avoid to get to many files in my child theme, just this needed changing of 7 files.

    Plugin Author pepe


    The problem is, you can’t just switch all calls of get_avatar to use a user ID (which one?), because that’s not right either. You should only do that where you are indeed trying to display the avatar of a registered user.

    Oh, and we can switch to German if that’s easier ??

    Die Frage, ob das Thema + Avatar Privacy in der Single-Site-Installation funktioniert haben, war, weil ich nicht ausschlie?en kann, da? im Multi-Network-Betrieb noch irgendwelche Fallstricke lauern. In so einer Umgebung habe ich das Plugin einfach nicht getestet (in “simplen” Multi-Site-Installationen hingegen schon).

    Am einfachsten ist es vermutlich, wenn Du mir einmal eine Mail schreibst.

    Plugin Author pepe


    @sascha_foerster Hat das mit per Mail übermittelten Code geklappt?

    Plugin Author pepe


    I assume the issue has been resolved.

    Thread Starter Sascha_Foerster


    Sorry for my late reply! I just had to reverse all my manual changes to the child theme, so see, if everything works out!

    I’m not sure, if you should make a difference for logging in users to show an avatar with just the id or the email, when not logged in, but now I am happy, because with two checks in my profile, the avatar is shown everywhere, where it should be visible.

    I hope this will be added to core, because it should! Thanks for your great support!

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