• Resolved dhphoto_se


    I get an error with Similarity. I haven’t noticed it Before, so I suspect it came with the latest WordPress update, 3.8.1

    You can find it on one of my posts, for example https://www.dhphoto.se/2014/01/arvid-6-dagar/

    The error shows at the bottom as

    Notice: Undefined variable: time_difference in /storage/content/32/103332/dhphoto.se/public_html/wp-content/plugins/similarity/similarity.php on line 325 Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /storage/content/32/103332/dhphoto.se/public_html/wp-content/plugins/similarity/similarity.php on line 337

    Do you have any suggestions of how to deal with this?

    I tried to replace “$time_difference” with “get_option( ‘gmt_offset’ )”.
    After this change the first error was gone but the second “Undefined offset: 0” was still there.
    Any suggestions?

    Kind regards,
    Dennis Hallgren
    dhphoto, Sweden


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  • Thread Starter dhphoto_se


    Hi again!

    I solved it! ??

    I exchanged “$time_difference” with “get_option(‘gmt_offset’)” on line 325.
    Then I deleted “[0]” in the “$id_list” and “$strength_list” a few rows below.

    Works lika a charm, and haven’t seen any bugs.

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