• I installed theProton theme on my wordpress site (www.torenhomes.com). I have read the documentation it came with (https://seroja.kotabatu.net/files/web/smkwida/proton/TheProton_Documentation/theproton-theme-documentation.htm)

    but I am now stuck as to how to utilize all the custom features of the theme (as seen in the example site: https://www.intenseblog.com/theproton . I’m semi-new to wordpress and have scoured the web looking for instructions. I know there’s shortcode I could use, but I don’t even know where to look to see what all the custom shortcodes this theme uses.

    I guess I may be in slightly over my head, but I’m trying to teach myself and have done a pretty good job of figuring out many of the features of this theme (which supposedly a beginner can figure out). I don’t know if I’m just completely missing something or if I’ve just bitten off more than I can chew but I’d really appreciate any help.

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  • Hi albatuni,
    thanks for helping me mate I use firebug too but I dont know what I must change exactly i tried with firebug before etc etc…

    Check my website and tell me if you can find it please
    Thanks ??

    hi valenb,

    did you fill title field in menu editor? is there (incio etc) description or title?? because the color like menu description color in mine

    this is my css code style.css line 120

    .jqueryslidemenu ul li a {
    color: #444444;
    font-size: 0.9em;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #FFFFFF;
    text-transform: uppercase;

    from there, my menu title color is #444444


    Hello Everybody!

    I’m using this theme too!
    I really like the shortcodes and the overall design.
    I changed it a lot, the site is still in “beta”, but it’s a good aproximation of what will be.
    Take a look at it (https://espacioaudiologico.com.ar) and feel free to tell me your thoughts.
    And if I can help you with what i know, i will post it!

    See you


    Hi albatuni and MrBillie,

    I tried to put the menu in bold but I cant, alba I edited it to colour 444444 and it didnt work.

    Also I uploaded images for the slider and check, https://www.carniceriavictor.es
    The images are so big, there isnt anything that auto size the images?

    Thanks for helping.

    hi valenb

    i think slider can’t autosize feature, so you must fix your picture before upload or change css for slider show,

    for bold menu till now i don’t have idea, maybe mrbillie can help you

    btw, what color scheme did you choose? i choose black color scheme


    Lol i solved it by clicking color black hahahaha.
    Thanks man ??

    For the sliders images must be 960*300 and thats ridicle
    MrBillie do you know how to set the images auto size?
    Or how to make images 960*300? because I tried with GIMP and the size is so strange.
    Thanks for all ??

    hahahhaa okay mate, glad to hear that

    i know you ask to billy, but this is from my opinion, if you use autosize, sometimes you can’t get proportional resize and the result not good (weird :D), usually i crop the picture with adobe photoshop (or anything else) with proportion 900:300, choose the best cropping, and upload it


    Thanks for all alba, Im glad to be helped by you ??

    I will try with 900*300 in few mins.

    Do you or Billi know how to remove this:

    Hi Valen!
    I don’t know how to remove “most discussed topic”. It’s a good question! Because it has to be widget, but i guess it’s a default one, cos it’s not in the widget section… i will reserch this!
    And about the top banner i think you have to resize the background image and then change the top margins… Is “troll” the image logo?
    I’m now at work… maybe later at home i can help you better!


    Yea the most discussed topic… haha.

    No “Troll” is just a description that I put, its just for testing.
    Uhm as I saw you are from Argentina maybe but you talk spanish like me haha so could you add me on skype, gmail or something?
    In spanish it would be a bit better ??

    Yes, you’re right. In spanish we can entendernos mejor! ??
    I realize you’re from Spain, but I preferred to speak in Spanish in orden to not leave anyone out of the conversation!
    Please, go to my page i posted before and in the footer you’ll get my email under “MrBillie”!

    See you!


    hi valenb, your image link is blocked ??

    btw, just erase this part from sidebar.php

    <!-- Get popular posts starts -->
    	<div class="sidebar-widget popular_post">
    		<h5 class="sidebar-widget-title">Most Discussed Topic</h5>
    			<?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/popular.php' ); ?>
    <!-- Get popular posts ends -->

    good luck ??

    [Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. As it stands, your code may now have been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]

    Hi albatuni,
    I think you know how to solve both things, check it:


    1- Can I change the slider’s background’s colour? How?

    2- What I must to do to add post or pages down the web?

    3- How to remove the “Learn More” button and add the search widget?

    Check the image it will be easier for you, thanks for all mate! ??

    hi valenb, i can’t see your image, it’s forward to https://imageshack.us/img/blocked_login.jpg ??

    1. just change color scheme or if you want to still use black scheme, change background image (https://carniceriavictor.es/wp-content/themes/proton/images/bg_home.jpg) with your own
    2. make a new post (admin panel – post – add new)
    3. i think mrbillie know better how to do it, maybe you must change php code in “learn more” part


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