• I installed theProton theme on my wordpress site (www.torenhomes.com). I have read the documentation it came with (https://seroja.kotabatu.net/files/web/smkwida/proton/TheProton_Documentation/theproton-theme-documentation.htm)

    but I am now stuck as to how to utilize all the custom features of the theme (as seen in the example site: https://www.intenseblog.com/theproton . I’m semi-new to wordpress and have scoured the web looking for instructions. I know there’s shortcode I could use, but I don’t even know where to look to see what all the custom shortcodes this theme uses.

    I guess I may be in slightly over my head, but I’m trying to teach myself and have done a pretty good job of figuring out many of the features of this theme (which supposedly a beginner can figure out). I don’t know if I’m just completely missing something or if I’ve just bitten off more than I can chew but I’d really appreciate any help.

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  • I am so pleased this discussion thread about the Proton Theme has become very active thanks to you albatuni and now MrBillie. I am starting to believe that I shall be able to finally build the kind of business website I need ( not a blog ).

    If I can possibly call on your kindness again, I am providing a link to the site where you can see what I am trying to achieve, but failing.


    The two pages HOME and PRODUCTS are the ones to look at ….


    1) why the big gap from the slider section to the text ?

    2) why the big heading ‘Home? above the ‘post’ and why is date and author shown ? It’s not supposed to be a blog post, just normal text.

    3) I want to include an introduction paragraph 2/3 width text with a Right hand widget column.
    Under the Introduction I want to include 2 or 3 feature boxes. ( see Product page )

    Does this theme offer such an option as it has to be either a portfolio page or default?


    Easyslider (Not part of Proton Theme)

    I much prefer the easy slider section.

    1. why the big gap between the slider section and the features boxes?

    2. This is how I want the home page to look but with the Introduction paragraph described in Home Page above, and RH widget column


    Any advice will be welcome and greatly appreciated

    ps Mr Billie. I like your site.

    hi pancho,

    1. change css code height to 0px, from .pre_header in style.css line 237

    2. maybe your page title is “HOME” ???, i think you must remove php code in date and author section,

    3. i think there is no option like that

    1. let us see again after you change .pre_header height

    2. i don’t have idea, maybe you can make your own template page, so you can choose it in template options, or i believe another user can answer this question


    Hi albatuni

    HOME Page
    1. I don’t see line numbers so here’s the section of css where I changed height from 100px to 0 px but it makes no difference to the page? I also tried changing .search.pre_header from 70px to 0 px ( just to see what happens…… nothing happens.

    /* Pre header */
    .pre_header {height:100px;font-size:1.5em;padding:15px 0;line-height:1.6;font-family: ‘AllerLightRegular’, sans-serif;color:#cecece;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000}
    .archive .pre_header, .search .pre_header {height:70px;font-size:2.5em;padding:30px 0;}

    2. I’ll play around with this

    3. On the Proton Demo site I’m sure I have seen different page formats on the same webpage, but there is no instruction from Jenni as to how she did it.

    I’ll leave the product page till the Home page is sorted. Am I doing something wrong with the css code for the pre_header height

    Hi albatuni,

    I have uploaded the image again:


    I think you will understand what I meant when talking about “add posts/pages down” :p

    hi pancho,
    from firebug, i see white gap is dissappear if i change .pre_header height 100px to 0px, if you want to find line 237, you can edit style.css from ftp/sftp/ssh

    hi valenb,
    have you make new post? i just see one post with “Hello World” title there, try to make more post :


    albatuni that is so strange, I edited the images with the colour i want (orange)I uploaded them in ftp but anything changed. If I download the images from ftp there are oranges but if I check the links there are black
    How its possible ? :S

    hi valenb,

    try to hard refresh your browser (ctrl + f5 if you using firefox)

    i see your background is orange ??

    ah i see now, but i think there are many strange lines, can you show me how do you see the web?

    hi valenb, your orange is wider than gray, you must edit your background again ??

    got it lol, it was just 0,5 cm of white omg ty

    I added more post but the don’t appear near “Hello World”

    Do I have to click something to add it in main page? or just I must put 3 posts? dunno..

    I got the posts dont worry, Thanks anyway.

    hi albatuni

    I’ve downloaded firebug and found line 237, but when I edit it and change height from 100px to 0 px I can see the gap disappears on the page, but when I try to save it the option shows save as ‘style.css’. I click to accept this but then the css reverts to height 100px. ??

    Fixed the height, at last. I think it was when I went into the Editor of wp-admin and edited the style.css from there? Anyway it is done, thanks albatunit.

    Hi albatuni,

    I am trying to put the logo in my website but I get a problem when I change the size it get a strange view haha

    https://www.subirimagenes.com/otros-logo-7950304.html this is the logo
    How can I edit this to 340*52 or 397*58 and get a good result?

    hi valenb,

    i can’t see your image, maybe better if you upload in media library at your wordpress site

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