• Hi, we use Visual Studio Code with SFTP to build our initial sites, then WPIDE for small edits after the site has launched.

    Lately we have noticed a strange bug that appears to only happen on our sites with WPIDE active during the build process where a file that we had previously edited with VS Code via SFTP would somehow revert back to a previous state, we are not sure what is causing it and we are not even sure if its WPIDE, but since WPIDE has a feature to backup files and perform file restorations, it seemed the most likely cause.

    Currently our plan is to install WPIDE after we launch sites to hopefully prevent reversions like that from happening, but we were wondering if there was a way to maybe disable the backup feature to see if that might fix the issue?

    Again, we are not entirely sure this is an issue with WPIDE as we have not been able to replicate the bug.
    Overall WPIDE is a 5 star plugin, thanks!

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