• Resolved Pieter Bos


    When I activate the plugin I get the message that it generated unexpected output during activation:

    The plugin generated 277 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    Deactivating the plugin results in a Strict Standards warning:

    Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method Class_Footnotes::deactivate() should not be called statically in /path/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 470

    Reactivating gives the same message again and the settings page also contains Warnings:
    Warning: Missing argument 3 for do_meta_boxes(), called in path/wp-content/plugins/footnotes/classes/footnotes_settings.php on line 140 and defined in path/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 942

    And on the howto settings tab:
    Notice: Undefined index: footnote_inputfield_collapse_references in path/wp-content/plugins/footnotes/includes/replacer.php on line 321

    On top of all this the entire Edit Posts screen fails to function properly with the plugin activated.

    In short: COMPLETE FAIL

    I was expecting a bit more for a plugin that was recently featured on wpmudev…


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  • Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    Hi Piet,

    thanks a lot!
    Our Code used to live on GitHub until we got hosting on www.ads-software.com so here it is:


    you can also get SVN read access through:

    Thread Starter Pieter Bos


    Ok thanks for the links, downloaded the changes of 2hrs ago, but still something not entirely correct I’m afraid.

    The styling issue seems solved now, but it has been replaced by a Notice (only visible in WP_DEBUG)

    Notice: wp_register_style was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks.

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    We’ll iron these things out tonight. It’s 3pm GMT where we live.

    Thanks again for your involvement already. You’ll receive “fame” as we mention you on a specific contributors page for the ideas, suggestions, testing and bugfixes you already donated.

    Thread Starter Pieter Bos


    Cool, no worries!

    I have been playing around with the wpml config file and I cannot get any further than what I already gave you. It is working perfectly, unfortunately with the strange notice…

    You might want to run it by the guys of WPML (once the file is complete, you will receive the “WPML seal of approval” and your plugin will be listed on their compatibility page).

    I think it has to do with the way the settings are registered, but I cannot figure out what the issue is.

    Good luck tonight with the enqueueing and registering, I’m sure that you’ll figure it out!


    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    Thanks, mate.

    Where exactly in the WPML Settings can you translate the String. Do you have a screenshot for that?
    I’ve uploaded your wpml-config.xml to my WPML Enabled Site. Do I need one of their extensions to see, what you’re telling me?

    Thread Starter Pieter Bos


    Mark, when you have the Translation Management addon installed you can see it under the Multilingual Content Setup (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-translation-management/menu/main.php&sm=mcsetup). Then you can scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see this.
    Following the translate link brings you to the String Translations screen (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-string-translation/menu/string-translation.php&context=admin_texts_plugin_footnotes).

    Please let me know if you need more screenshots/assistance.

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    I have the Translation Management Addon installed. I don’t see the Admin Strings, though. Is there a specific setting, I have to activate?

    Thread Starter Pieter Bos


    Well, WPML needs to be fully installed and set up with at least 2 languages, but other than that, no, the admin strings should pop up.

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    I have German and English setup und already a load of content in both languages… Still no Admin strings. Well… Have to run that by the support department of WPML. Thanks anyways.

    Thread Starter Pieter Bos


    And you added the wpml-config.xml file to the root of the plugin?

    You might need to save the settings at least once.

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    Found it. I needed to install the String Translation Addon. Now I see the String to be translated including the notice you mentioned that should not be there…

    Thread Starter Pieter Bos


    Yup, that helps ??
    Sorry for not mentioning that (for me WPML without the String Translation addon is a car without wheels)

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    OK, now thanks for all the input!

    In the latest stable version the notice should have disappeared, so that’s fixed.
    The wpml-config.xml you made will ship with the next release in the current state. Making it 100% WPML compatible is on the roadmap, there’s a feature request on github.

    I’m going ahead and close the thread. If there’s anything, you can always open a new thread or contact us in any other way you like.

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