Unhacking a hacked site
So my site was recently hacked by h3rcule-32. Not much damage done after I removed the phishing site he added. I’m having a real problem getting my blog to work however. I have all the posts (imported from blogger), and they all work fine – until I link them to a blog page. Even if I create a whole new page, with a different name, the same thing always pops up – I’ll paste the html element properties:
attributes: NamedNodeMap
baseURI: “https://backdoorphotography.com/bdp-blog/”
childElementCount: 2
childNodes: NodeList[2]
children: HTMLCollection[2]
classList: DOMTokenList
className: “”
clientHeight: 534
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clientWidth: 1400
contentEditable: “inherit”
dataset: DOMStringMap
dir: “”
draggable: false
firstChild: HTMLHeadElement
firstElementChild: HTMLHeadElement
hidden: false
id: “”
innerHTML: “<head></head><body>hacked by h3rcule-32?</body>”
innerText: “hacked by h3rcule-32”
isContentEditable: false
lang: “”
lastChild: HTMLBodyElement
lastElementChild: HTMLBodyElement
localName: “html”
manifest: “”
namespaceURI: “https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”
nextElementSibling: null
nextSibling: null
nodeName: “HTML”
nodeType: 1
nodeValue: null
offsetHeight: 534
offsetLeft: 0
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offsetWidth: 1400
onabort: null
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onbeforecut: null
onbeforepaste: null
onblur: null
onchange: null
onclick: null
oncontextmenu: null
oncopy: null
oncut: null
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ondrag: null
ondragend: null
ondragenter: null
ondragleave: null
ondragover: null
ondragstart: null
ondrop: null
onerror: null
onfocus: null
oninput: null
oninvalid: null
onkeydown: null
onkeypress: null
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onmousemove: null
onmouseout: null
onmouseover: null
onmouseup: null
onmousewheel: null
onpaste: null
onreset: null
onscroll: null
onsearch: null
onselect: null
onselectstart: null
onsubmit: null
outerHTML: “<html><head></head><body>hacked by h3rcule-32?</body></html>”
outerText: “hacked by h3rcule-32”
ownerDocument: HTMLDocument
parentElement: null
parentNode: HTMLDocument
prefix: null
previousElementSibling: null
previousSibling: null
scrollHeight: 534
scrollLeft: 0
scrollTop: 0
scrollWidth: 1400
spellcheck: true
style: CSSStyleDeclaration
tabIndex: -1
tagName: “HTML”
textContent: “hacked by h3rcule-32?”
title: “”
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webkitdropzone: “”
__proto__: HTMLHtmlElementThis is always the same. If I create a new page, without linking the posts to it, it just has a blank page that allows me to edit it (aka – normal behavior). Linking the posts to it creates the above.
My real question to you more technically-savvy is where in the coding would such a thing be possible? There are a ton of .php files to search through, and as far as I can conceive, it should be a relatively simple thing to fix.
If it’s not a simple thing, let me know – I’ll just have to scrap the site and start over…
Thanks in advance!!
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