• Resolved Jason Robie


    I know the plugin devs won’t be all that motivated to help out here, but this is infuriating.
    I have uninstalled this plugin including checking the box to remove all data, but there are still remnants.
    1. I still can’t see my admin bar if i’m an instructor.
    2. I still see a “capabilities” at the bottom of my user edit page that says “um_instructor”.

    does anyone know how to remove all of the tentacles of this thing?

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  • Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @jrobie23

    1. Could you please check if the “Show Toolbar when viewing site” is checked? Please go to the WP Admin > Users > Edit the instructor’s account.

    2. Could you please provide a screenshot of the capabilities that are showing on the Edit page even when the UM is uninstalled? You can upload the screenshot via imgur.com and then share the image URL here so we can review it.


    Thread Starter Jason Robie


    first of all.. “face palm”. my god, i’ve never touched that checkbox in 11 years of working in wordpress! ?? i’m sorry for asking that one! jeesh. thank you.

    second. here’s the thing that keeps showing up https://snipboard.io/On9lBi.jpg

    and when i pull up my caps (using php), i see this mess: https://snipboard.io/KvgLMp.jpg

    That chunk happens to be under the Administrator role, but that shows up for every role.

    I mostly don’t want all that garbage in my database.

    I tried removing those from the user meta, but the site fully crashed (working locally, thankfully.. plus i don’t know what i’m doing in there (php myadmin)).

    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @jrobie23

    Were these roles that have UM capabilities created via UM > User Roles?
    Could you please share the code that you use to pull up the caps?


    Thread Starter Jason Robie


    Your team has been amazing (I purchased the plugin, but then we didn’t end up using it so they sent me a refund. then i reached out with this issue and they have been amazingly helpful). I’ll post both the code I use to show all of my “caps” (in all of WP, not just UM) and the code they sent me to flush out the leftover roles/caps that the deactivate/delete didn’t catch.

    The first 3 lines (all of this is in my child theme functions.php) will show you all of the roles and capabilities on your site.
    The next chunk is what the great folks at UM sent me that finally removed all of the leftovers from the plugin.
    It should be noted that I sent them the printout from the 3 lines of code FIRST and then they sent me the below code. My assumption is that others would be able to run the first 3 lines and then alter the code below to fit their needs.
    Lastly, the add_action should only be run once. Then just remove it.

    // global $wp_roles;
    // $roles = $wp_roles->roles;
    // echo '<pre>' . print_r( $roles, true ) . '</pre>';
    // function um_custom_echo_roles() {
    //     global $wp_roles;
    //     foreach ( $wp_roles->roles as $roleID => &$role_data ) {
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_access_wpadmin'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_not_see_adminbar'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_edit_everyone'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_delete_everyone'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_edit_profile'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_delete_profile'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_default_homepage'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_after_login'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_after_logout'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_view_all'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_make_private_profile'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_can_access_private_profile'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_status'] );
    //         unset( $role_data['_um_auto_approve_act'] );
    //         if ( ! empty( $role_meta ) ) {
    //             $wp_roles->roles[ $roleID ] = array_merge( $role_data, $role_meta );
    //         }
    //     }
    //     update_option( $wp_roles->role_key, $wp_roles->roles );
    //     $um_instructors = get_users( array(
    //         'role__in' => 'um_instructor',
    //        ) );
    //     if ( ! empty( $um_instructors ) ) {
    //         foreach ( $um_instructors as $instructor ) {
    //             $instructor->remove_role( 'um_instructor' );
    //         }
    //     }
    // }
    // add_action( 'init', 'um_custom_echo_roles' );
    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @jrobie23

    Let us know if you’re still encountering issues with the Code Snippet provided by UM.


    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hey there!

    This thread has been inactive for a while, so we will go ahead and mark it Resolved.

    Please feel free to re-open this thread by changing the Topic Status to ‘Not Resolved’ if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. ??

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