• Hi every1, dear dev,

    I got this error message for about half a year now:

    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File /var/www/<path>/wp-content/plugins/codecolorer/codecolorer.css doesn’t exist

    The problem is, that I uninstalled Code Colorer about a year and a half ago. I replaced every occurence of [cc] and [cci]-Tags that I was aware of. Still, this error is nagging me, like those old quick time player nag screens (“buy now”).

    The directory /wp-content/plugins/codecolorer has been gone for a long time now, and I cleared all the caches multiple times, unistalled w3tc and replaced it with cachify (which has other problems) and returned to w3tc. Still this error occurs.

    Can you give me a hint where w3tc actually finds this src="codecolorer.css"??? The error message is meaningless if we don‘t get to know where the file was found (in which article, plugin, etc.).

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Thread Starter B M


    BTW, now (after a bit of clearing the cache) it says:

    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: No sources to serve

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