• Hi, thanks for this amazing plugin. I really needed sth like this.
    As my website is live and as you might guess its not easy to create a test website with real life google analytics data i have some questions in mind. Hope you have time to reply.

    I have a multi author blog which supports front end posting (via WP User Frontend plugin). The plugin requires to use pretty permalinks and does not accept “only post id” urls. like wp.com/1234. I noticed that my authors enters titles with emotions and this causes urls to be nonsense sometimes at some point. So i created a dimension and send the post id to google analytics and check the data based on post id dimension which is good enough for me. Othervise google analytics had versions of the urls like;

    domain.com/test-post-?%EF%B8%8F?%EF%B8%8F/ (this can result in so many variations on google analytics reports)

    My question are;
    1. Can i show the pageviews based on post id. (custom dimension=
    2. Is it possible or easy to show the unique page views.
    3. Do you have time for a freelance project like this.

    * Note; as i use custom dimension i don’t want any plugins to send data or add google analytics code in the header, and i guess this one does not add a code in header to send data. It just gets data from ga, right?

    Your help would be amazing. I would also pay for your help. Please contact me at
    b u r a k b i r e r (at) g m a i l . c o m if you’re interested.
    Best Regards,

    Btw this is my code to send custom dimensions

      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
      ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-11', 'auto');
      ga('send', 'pageview', { 'dimension1': '<?php if (is_single() OR is_author()) { the_author_login(); } else { echo 'directorypage'; }?>'});
      ga('send', 'pageview', { 'dimension2': '<?php if (is_single()) { the_ID(); } else { echo 'notapost'; }?>'});

    Thanks for reading,


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  • Plugin Author maximevalette



    Thanks for your detailed message.

    To answer your questions:

    1. Not really, it does only request for a specific URL in GA, I can’t do it for a custom dimension.
    2. Probably but I won’t have the time to add that.
    3. That answers the question ??

    The plugin is open, if you know a developer who wants to contribute, my contact is in the README.

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