I’m having a similar issue. The client I’m presently working with expects the following –
- Redirection to a Thank You page on a successful submission
- Submission Event Tracking inside GA. We set up goals based on the page where the form submission originates so we have a better idea of PPC versus organic in a single snapshot.
- AJAX messages inside the form itself disabled
The thing I’m seeing right now is that regardless of the text I enter into the “Additional Settings”, the AJAX boxes are empty on submission. A red and yellow box appear (red appearing where there is no error and actually does not inherit global CSS styles; it bleeds outside of the content container by more than 50px), but none of the text we’d like the user to see actually displays in the UI. Hence the client’s insistence on a redirection to a Thank You page, thus eliminating the AJAX responses all together since they do not sufficiently function or inherit global CSS styles. Setting the AJAX messages to display: none; in the site’s primary CSS file produces no result.
I almost feel like I’m beating a dead horse as a couple of the errors mentioned above were discussed in this forum more than a year ago. The JS issues the developer pointed to were actually a non-issue and ended up being fixed in the following iteration of the plugin. Convenient. But I digress…
“Additional Options” do not function and there is no JS error at all. The only JS running on the pages where the form is installed is the GA Universal Tracking code. GA is not seeing the “events” and I am wholly unable to complete the ask of a goal due to this section of the plugin being non-functional.
Thoughts or ideas?