• Resolved jankiiahir


    today i’d installed broken link checker plugging, afterward i’m getting too many broken error msg look like : “Link last checked: January 9, 2016
    HTTP code: 0
    Response time: 0.004 seconds
    Final URL: https://www.iadmission.in/resources/
    Redirect count: 0
    Instance count: 13

    This link has failed 3 times.
    This link has been broken for 3 hours.
    Log: SSL connect error [Error #35]
    === (No response) ===

    Response headers

    Link is broken.”

    but when i’m checking url link is working.. what is wrong there ??
    please help me to fix this issue..


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  • Please try with the version released today

    Hi Vladmir,
    I get the same issue using version Version 1.10.11. I am using free cloudflare for https.

    Kind regards

    Log: SSL connect error [Error #35]
    === (No response) ===

    Response headers

    Link is broken.

    Same issue here. Repro case:

    1. Site on CloudFlare
    2. Site set to force HTTPS in .htaccess
    2. SSL certificate provided by CloudFlare’s free SSL service.

    Note not all URLs fail. About 1 in 20 come up with “Unknown error” no matter what API is used.

    Log: SSL connect error [Error #35]
    === (No response) ===

    Response headers

    Link is broken.

    When I try a wget from the host via SSH, it works fine. Not sure what is going on here.


    Same problem here. And with the same configuration that AgilisIT

    Any solution?

    Same issue here.
    I need to deactive the plugin for most of the time.

    Hi guys

    We ended up implementing a fix for this. It’s to do with cURL on the hosting system, and the security implemented by CF. You’ll find that this error is also present in BackWPUp and similar plugins that scrape the site.

    I’ll be releasing our whole security plugin soon, just refining it a bit more first, but here’s some code snippets you can put in your own plugin:

    $ciphersArrayOpenSSL = array(
    $ciphersArrayNSS = array(
            // Add 384 bit variants here if supported by your cURL
            // Add fallback like rsa_aes_256_sha here for PayPal IPN etc if required
    function agilisit_ssl_fix($ch) {
    	global $ciphersArrayNSS, $ciphersArrayOpenSSL;
    	/* Bail if no curl handle */
    	if(! $ch)
    		$curl_ver = curl_version();
    		if (stripos($curl_ver['ssl_version'], 'openssl') === false) {
    			/* NSS */
    			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, implode(',', $ciphersArrayNSS));
    		} else {
    			/* OpenSSL */
    			curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, implode(':', $ciphersArrayOpenSSL));
    		/* Remove SSL v1-3 */
    		/* Ref https://gist.github.com/franz-josef-kaiser/260bd3d19cffd4a61fa9 */
    		if (! defined( 'CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0')
    			|| ! defined( 'CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1')
    			|| ! defined( 'CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2'))
    			| CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0);
    add_action('http_api_curl', 'agilisit_ssl_fix');


    I have contacted CloudFlare support regarding this error, and they have replied with the following:

    That plugin is a third party plugin so unfortunately, I cannot speak for it.
    I’m not sure how it works or what’s it looking for. It looks like some sort of ssl error?
    Best to contact the developers and get more information from them.

    here is error I have with Broken Link Checker – all links are listed as broken

    Link last checked: September 21, 2016
    HTTP code: 0
    Response time: 0.000 seconds
    Final URL: https://luxurycroatia.net/contact/
    Redirect count: 0
    Instance count: 13
    This link has failed 1 time.
    This link has been broken for 9 minutes.
    Log: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol [Error #35]
    === (No response) ===
    Response headers
    Link is broken.

    I have tried to follow links above but I don’t know my way around ??
    which code is working solution, and where to apply it (paste – destination – file ?)

    Thank you

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