• ejwjohn


    I have tried this product, but must admit that their support options on the free solution are virtually non existent, the turn around time for responses on the Forum is in my opinion poor if i compare it with other free solution Plugins.
    Unless you pay to upgrade the solution is in my opinion very limiting.

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  • Barry


    Hi @ejwjohn,

    I’m really sorry to hear that you haven’t had a great experience.

    Low ratings like this are something we take seriously, as they potentially indicate that there’s room for improvement on our side. In this case, your basic concern seems to have been that we just don’t offer enough support here in the www.ads-software.com forums to meet your needs.

    I can accept that, but I’d also like to put our own perspective across.

    While for you (and I’m sure a number of others) a higher level of support than we provide here is essential to a good plugin experience, we make no secret of the fact that our support service operates at a lower level here in the www.ads-software.com forums than it does in our premium forums. We do, in fact, have a a prominent sticky post to help make this clear.

    Given that, I can’t help but feel your review and the low rating is a little unfair, reflecting as it does on just one aspect of the free plugin experience you get with The Events Calendar.

    We’ve put a tremendous amount of work and energy into The Events Calendar. It is one of the best calendar plugins in the WordPress space and it is extremely flexible – running out of the box it more than fulfils the needs of most users. You may not agree with all or some of that, but your review does seem squarely focused on just one aspect which we are, I feel, abundantly clear about.

    the turn around time for responses on the Forum is in my opinion poor if i compare it with other free solution Plugins.

    Every plugin – and the authors or organizations behind them – is different.

    I don’t know which specifically you are thinking of, but not all plugins are of comparable size or complexity as ours. At the end of the day, while it’s fantastic to see other vendors and authors going above and beyond (and I’m stoked to hear that they manage to do so in a sustainable fashion) that is completely their prerogative, just as it is ours to manage our own support resources in the way that works best for us and our userbase as a whole – which extends beyond these forums.

    With The Events Calendar you are already getting, for free, a robust project that has had many hundreds of thousands of hours of development poured into it, at no cost to you.

    This is your review and we can’t tell you what to do with it, but I’d like to think we deserve more than a single star under the circumstances.

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