• Some unnecessary spaces (marked with “_“) can be found in tags td/th of the generated table html of plugin version 1.3.1, e.g.

    <tr><td_ style=”width:25%”_>Item</td>
    <td_ style=”width:75%”_>Value</td>

    <tr><td_>Item 2</td>
    <td_>Value 2</td>

    The spaces are caused by variable $attr and line 377 in easy-table.php

    $output .= "<$thtd $attr>".do_shortcode($cell)."</$thtd>\n";

    A small change removes these spaces if you replace line 377 with something like this:

    $attr = trim( $attr );
    if ( !empty( $attr ) )
    	$attr = ' ' . $attr;
    $output .= "<$thtd$attr>".do_shortcode($cell)."</$thtd>\n";


    <tr><td style=”width:25%”>Item</td>
    <td style=”width:75%”>Value</td>

    <tr><td>Item 2</td>
    <td>Value 2</td>

    Some more unnecessary spaces can be found e.g. in table tag.

    Second “code-cosmetic” note: To create a linefeed in html source, the generated table html currently has a mix of \n and \r\n, would suggest the use of \r\n everywhere.

    Thanks for the great plugin.


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