UnPointZero Slider Custom Taxonomies Shortcode issue
I was having issues with the taxonomy attribute in the shortcode. I understood from the included shortcode examples that custom taxonomies were supported – but I was having a problem implementing them myself.
Just to explain my approach: – I use a custom taxonomy I created called ‘display’ for my theme so that I can specify where I want content (post & pages) to appear in my templates without it being visible in my categories . In this instance I wanted to have posts be selected for the slideshow by the ‘display’ term ‘homepage-slideshow’.
so I thought this shortcode would work:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[upzslider intertype="post" interid="home-slideshow" taxoname="display" ]'); ?>
for some reason my term/custom tax was not getting pulled up correctly and was instead defaulting to the most recent posts.
From what I can understand by reading the plugin files (I am not a developer as you can see) there are three slider/ or slide types which determine the query method
The slider checks if the slides are type1(posts) or type 3(custom post type) and if 1 or 3 it uses the slider_getinfo_by_cat function to query the slides,
and then for everything else (including slider type 2(pages)) it uses the slider_getpages function.So following that logic I added an if statement ahead of those two that says if the taxoname is NOT empty – load slider_getinfo_by_term function instead.
I simplified the slider_getinfo_by_cat function and changed the query syntax (and I probably removed some steps needed)
and put it in upzSlider.php:function slider_getinfo_by_term($taxoname, $term, $number, $fetch,$slider_title_max_char,$slider_title_thumb_max_char,$slider_desc_max_char) { global $post; global $intername; // used as term global $taxonamesc; // taxonomy global $usingshort; $myposts = get_posts("post_status=\"publish\"&$taxoname=\"$term\"&numberposts=$fetch"); $postok_number = 0; foreach($myposts as $post) : if(has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) { $post_perma[] = get_permalink($post->ID); // R?cuperation des options $title = ""; $title = tronc_str(__($post->post_title),$slider_title_max_char); $post_title[] = $title; $thumb_title = ""; $thumb_title = tronc_str(__($post->post_title),$slider_title_thumb_max_char); $post_thumb_title[] = $thumb_title; $content = ""; $post_excerpt = get_option('slider-contentexrpt'); if($post_excerpt==1) { $content = tronc_str(__($post->post_excerpt),$slider_desc_max_char); } else { $content = tronc_str(__($post->post_content),$slider_desc_max_char); } $post_content[] = $content; $thumb[] = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID,'upz-big'); $thumb_mini[] = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID,'upz-small'); if(sizeof($post_title)==$number) { wp_reset_query(); return array($post_perma,$post_title,$post_thumb_title,$post_content,$thumb,$thumb_mini); } } endforeach; wp_reset_query(); return array($post_perma,$post_title,$post_thumb_title,$post_content,$thumb,$thumb_mini); }
and after this in slider.php
if($interid!=null && $interid!='') { $slider_cat_id = $interid; } else { $slider_cat_id = get_option('slider-category-id'); }
I added this:
if($taxoname!=null && $taxoname!='') { $term = $interid; $taxoname = $taxoname; } else { $term = ""; }
Then changed this if else statement in slider.php:
if(($slider_type==1) || ($slider_type==3)) { $allinfos = slider_getinfo_by_cat($slider_cat_id,$slider_view_number,$slider_fetch,$slider_title_max_char,$slider_title_thumb_max_char,$slider_desc_max_char); } else { $allinfos = slider_getpages($slider_cat_id,$slider_view_number,$slider_title_max_char,$slider_title_thumb_max_char,$slider_desc_max_char); }
if($taxoname!=null && $taxoname!=""){ $allinfos = slider_getinfo_by_term($taxoname,$term, $slider_view_number,$slider_title_max_char,$slider_title_thumb_max_char,$slider_desc_max_char); } elseif (($slider_type==1) || ($slider_type==3)) { $allinfos = slider_getinfo_by_cat($slider_cat_id,$slider_view_number,$slider_fetch,$slider_title_max_char,$slider_title_thumb_max_char,$slider_desc_max_char); }else{ $allinfos = slider_getpages($slider_cat_id,$slider_view_number,$slider_title_max_char,$slider_title_thumb_max_char,$slider_desc_max_char); }
It seems to have worked for me – Just posting it if anyone finds it helpful!
Thanks again for a great plugin!
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