We consider all reviews valid if they are regarding the plugin (or theme) that was being used.
The review system is only here to receive feedback. The idea is to take the feedback and improve the plugin or theme in some way.
There’s no such thing as a harsh rating, please don’t look into the ratings as a reflection of the plugin. A rating is a reflection of someone’s experience (someone’s review). It is not there to be agreed or disagreed with.
The review system at www.ads-software.com is really not an objective system. Please don’t use it as part of your business model. And please know that this is not my personal opinion.
I advise you read this article: https://make.www.ads-software.com/support/2016/08/about-plugin-and-theme-reviews/
If you are relying on the WordPress review system to generate sales leads then you are ignoring the man in the lookout yelling “ICEBERG!”
You are making a Titanic class business mistake if those reviews are part of your business plan.