• Resolved Stephen S


    I notice the existence of a usermeta field called ‘mailchimp_woocommerce_is_subscribed’ that tracks whether a user is subscribed or not. I am curious how this works with the plugin. For example, if I programmatically (from the account page for example) change the value of that field from 1 to 0 or vice versa, will the next sync auto subscribe/unsubscribe that user? Is there a way to send that data automatically to mailchimp without a resync? Or a way to programmatically force a resync or upload of this data for this user?

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  • Check this line of code:
    wp_queue(new MailChimp_WooCommerce_User_Submit($user_id, $subscribed));

    It resyncs a specific user with the value of $subscribed (true, false).

    Thread Starter Stephen S



    Thread Starter Stephen S


    Well, ALMOST. It seems that checking my box and running that will subscribe someone to the list, but unchecking it (and sending false) does not UNsubscibre them. Any ideas? Thanks again.

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