• This plugin works for basic eCommerce needs. However, I’ve experienced several issues with adjusting shipping options, taxes, and product addons.

    Shopp offers a manual with instructions for basic configurations. They also have a support forum that is NOT open to the public (a fee is required). While Shopp does offer a list of support professionals that you can contact for additional help, the list has over 7500 names listed! Shopp also advertises that they have a support turnaround time of 2-6 days — which I feel is plain unacceptable in eCommerce. While they do offer faster service for a fee, the Priority Support Credit is “Sold Out” and Escalated Credit is no longer available.

    This inadequate availability of support (both documentation and live) makes it very difficult to “Be Patient” and “Be Polite” as they have requested on “Shopp Support: Tips for Getting Help”.

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  • Plugin Author chaoix



    I am sorry you had a bad experience setting up a Shopp store. I would like to point out a couple resources to you however:

    All of our Documentation on Shopp and its features as well as our API docs are free and available at:

    We also provide free WorkShopp articles to help with common customizations:

    Our free support forum is here on www.ads-software.com. Active members involved in the Shopp project do check and respond to messages in the free support forum at least weekly.

    The support forum on shopplugin.com is for our users with paid support or have paid for support at some point to share and collaborate resources.

    Our paid support is offering is for 1 on 1 private support. Support tickets are usually answered within 24 hours of submitting the tickets. The 2 – 6 day timeframe is an auto calculated timeframe that is off due to some support tickets with a long timeframe of corespondence.

    I hope this helps you better understand our Shopp’s support structure.


    Anonymous User 8483292


    I’d like to add Shopp is everything but basic. It is full featured out of the box but can be extended in so many ways you can create a completely new shopping experience. Of course you do have to have good knowledge of WordPress, Shopp, PHP and so on to take full advantage.

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