• First time wordpress theme builder! I initially built my site on Foundation’s framework and then tweaked it to install it onto WordPress.

    In order to make the top bar menu work, I utilized awshout’s WordPress Menu & Menu Walker to dynamically generate the menu. It works like a charm

    I have never built a walker, and this is my first time really diving into the backend of WordPress, but I’m hitting a roadblock.

    What I would like to do is add to the < li > elements tabindex, roles, and titles. Example:

    • Parent/top level links= tabindex=’0′ + role=”menuitem” + aria-haspopup = “true” + custom titles ‘About Menu’ ‘Support Menu’ ect.
    • Children links = tabindex=’-1′ + role=”menuitem”

    The problem is even after hours of playing I still have no idea WHERE to implement these items on this walker, or even how. My WP installation is local atm for dev, so I cannot share my copy of the WIP.

    The WordPress menu & Walker I have installed.
    How the Top Bar looks in plain HTML through Foundation.

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