• Resolved Andry


    Hi. I added datepicker for registration form. (Birth Date)

    Could you add the ability to translate terms into a local language?

    Month and day names, Today, Clear, Close (I don’t understand what this button is for).

    Thank you

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  • @blackstar1991

    These datepicker translations can be found in the JavaScript folder:

    What local language are you using?

    Thread Starter Andry


    Ukrainian, Russian, English, Turkish.

    It is desirable that the user receives the translation that he has set in his settings during registration. If it’s possible…

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Andry.


    I made a test at my site with the Ukrainian language and found a bug.

    You can copy the UM JavaScript file from:

    to this new folder and change the file name from uk_UA.js to uk.js

    Probably the same issue with your other local languages files too.

    Russian from ru_RU.js to ru.js
    Turkish from tr_TR.js to tr.js

    Thread Starter Andry


    Thanks, it helped.

    Unfortunately it did not translate the word Close, also it would be correct that all the names of the week, months and other things start with a capital letter.
    But anyway, thank you. Perhaps the developers in the next versions will correct, otherwise when you update everything will be broken


    when you update everything will be broken

    If you copied the files to the new second folder
    you can change the texts and UM update will not overwrite your changes.

    I have added a Google translation of Close to this Ukrainian language file:
    Addition of close: 'Закрити',

    // Ukrainian
    jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.pickadate.defaults, {
        monthsFull: [ 'с?чень', 'лютий', 'березень', 'кв?тень', 'травень', 'червень', 'липень', 'серпень', 'вересень', 'жовтень', 'листопад', 'грудень' ],
        monthsShort: [ 'с?ч', 'лют', 'бер', 'кв?', 'тра', 'чер', 'лип', 'сер', 'вер', 'жов', 'лис', 'гру' ],
        weekdaysFull: [ 'нед?ля', 'понед?лок', 'в?второк', 'середа', 'четвер', 'п‘ятниця', 'субота' ],
        weekdaysShort: [ 'нд', 'пн', 'вт', 'ср', 'чт', 'пт', 'сб' ],
        today: 'сьогодн?',
        clear: 'викреслити',
        close: 'Закрити',
        firstDay: 1,
        format: 'dd mmmm yyyy p.',
        formatSubmit: 'yyyy/mm/dd'
    jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.pickatime.defaults, {
        clear: 'викреслити'
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by missveronica.


    Four translation seems to be missing as well,
    I have added these in the file.

        labelMonthNext: '',
        labelMonthPrev: '',
        labelMonthSelect: '',
        labelYearSelect: ''
    // Ukrainian
    jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.pickadate.defaults, {
        monthsFull: [ 'с?чень', 'лютий', 'березень', 'кв?тень', 'травень', 'червень', 'липень', 'серпень', 'вересень', 'жовтень', 'листопад', 'грудень' ],
        monthsShort: [ 'с?ч', 'лют', 'бер', 'кв?', 'тра', 'чер', 'лип', 'сер', 'вер', 'жов', 'лис', 'гру' ],
        weekdaysFull: [ 'нед?ля', 'понед?лок', 'в?второк', 'середа', 'четвер', 'п‘ятниця', 'субота' ],
        weekdaysShort: [ 'нд', 'пн', 'вт', 'ср', 'чт', 'пт', 'сб' ],
        today: 'сьогодн?',
        clear: 'викреслити',
        close: 'Закрити',
        firstDay: 1,
        format: 'dd mmmm yyyy p.',
        formatSubmit: 'yyyy/mm/dd',
        labelMonthNext: '',
        labelMonthPrev: '',
        labelMonthSelect: '',
        labelYearSelect: ''
    jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.pickatime.defaults, {
        clear: 'викреслити'
    Thread Starter Andry



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