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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hey @magictrashcan – thanks for taking the time to write a review and let us know.

    We are always trying to make things better – if you’ve got any specific feedback, or expectations that aren’t being met – that would be really useful to know.

    Thread Starter SVT


    My expectation that isn’t being met is: WordPress is not going to survive this with its community intact and without its community, it won’t be WordPress anymore so either way: You effed it.

    Moderator jordesign


    My expectation that isn’t being met is: WordPress is not going to survive this with its community intact and without its community, it won’t be WordPress anymore so either way: You effed it.

    Hey @magictrashcan – thank you for sharing a little more. You’re right – the WordPress Community is absolutely vital to the future success of the project.

    The aim with Gutenberg is 100% for it to be of benefit to the community – which is why we’re always open to feedback about features or performance, if there’s specific things you have to mention?

    Thread Starter SVT


    Now that’s a flat out lie. The reviews here speak for themselves. You do NOT care at all what this community wants, that much has been made clear. At any rate, I’m wasting my time on this sinking ship. After 15 years of WP in our agency, we’re now scratching it form our offers. There are simply too many better alternatives by now. Tragic but as natural law dictates: Everything that has a beginning in time, has an end in time.

    RIP WP.

    Now that’s a flat out lie.

    I get the frustration and it’s perfectly legitimate. Different points of view are what make the project move forward but you will surely agree that calling people liars is hardly helpful.

    The reviews here speak for themselves.

    I get what you are saying but if you are going to take the time to sign up for an account and write a review, It would be helpful for you to share something specific about your own experience.

    Thread Starter SVT


    5 stars796

    4 stars146

    3 stars139

    2 stars209

    1 star2383

    No further questions.

    Moderator jordesign


    We understand that we had a lot of negative ratings for the Gutenberg plugin.

    The whole team behind Gutenberg is actively working to change that as part of an improved experience. It’s okay if you wouldn’t like to provide more details, but we would love to know that if you have some time:

    • Could you share the top 2-3 things that make it look “useless” to you? For instance, is it while trying to use specific blocks?
    • What is your specific use case, and how are you using Gutenberg? Are you a developer, blogger, site owner, etc?
    • When was the last time that you tried to use Gutenberg?
    Thread Starter SVT


    Just today, given I am forced to use it to write this comment. It’s just terrible. I won’t change my mind on that anytime soon.

    I hope that the maniacs who run this show realize they cannot force their mental-midget version of down the throats of the (mostly) dev users of I just don’t see them have it (out here in the real world, not inside your little marketing bubble).

    You cannot satisfy anybody attempting to do that. Trying to please everybody is the #1 recipe for failure.

    Just split it, what can be so hard to see the reality behind your own brands? = Users = Closed = Everybody lobotomy-level happy! = Admins = Open = Finally, no-BS work can be done!

    Stop selling people the illusion that you can just run your wp website with no IT knowledge at all. It’s insane to even consider suggesting that, especially on such a collosal scale.

    Whatever you’re trying to do there, I’m stepping aside in preparation of the crash that’s about to happen. Unless a miracle happens, you will manage to eff it up, I have no doubt in my mind about that ??

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi @magictrashcan,

    I won’t change my mind on that anytime soon.

    Actually, the folks here aren’t trying to change your mind about your current experience with Gutenberg.

    The goal here is to get your feedback, so we can improve Gutenberg to a point that it works well for you.

    I hope that the maniacs who run this show realize they cannot force their mental-midget […]

    While I appreciate your feedback, this language is not acceptable — this can be considered to have a discriminatory/abusive tone.

    Just split it, what can be so hard to see the reality behind your own brands? […]

    Actually, is owned by the WordPress Foundation, and is owned by Automattic — these are independent entities.

    While many folks on Automattic are sponsored to work on the side of things (AKA WordPress Project), the decisions are not based on and only on what works better for the whole ecosystem. Besides all the individual volunteers, you can see all the companies that are supporting the project apart from Automattic/

    Also, Gutenberg is known for being highly developer-friendly, do you have specific parts of it that you feel that are bad for developers?

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