• This plugin is no longer a good choice. The maintainer makes breaking changes without listening to community feedback and doesn’t care.

    In 5.9.6 he added a very short limit to fields length (maxlength) that broke forms on thousands of website. He didn’t listened to any feedback asking him to reverse the change, nor to add an built-in option to prevent the issue.

    Details are on Github (issues 1441 and 1443 of the project)

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Guillaume G..
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  • Dang that is a shame. As a new user of the plugin who just started using it today, I gave it 5 stars for how full featured it was – but yes, it does seem very inconvenient for users like you who had perhaps dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of contact forms set up and you were expecting them to be able to receive content of arbitrary length.

    I wonder, if you edit your wordpress SQL database manually, could you add the maxlength amount that you wanted via a find and replace?

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