• If text is edited in the WordPress editor, the editor decides to replace some regular spaces with non-breaking spaces (? nbsp). These replacements are only somewhat predictable. Some instances that lead to nbsps are: Hyperlinks (spaces before and after and sometimes in between hyperlinked words), dashes+space, hyphens+space, multiple spaces, spaces at the end of paragraphs, space before bold text.
    The unwanted non-breaking spaces, if identified (they are not declared as such in the html editor and not easily identifiable in the visual editor) are often difficult to remove. To just replace them with regular spaces often fails. If a draft is copied from the WordPress editor to MS Word or Open Office text, with non-prining characters displayed, the nbsp can be seen.
    This phenomenon, or part of it, has been reported before here, long ago but has not been resolved, or perhaps it’s come back or it has even gotten worse. The problem is severe. The most annoying cause seems to be the replacement of one of two subsequent spaces with a non-breaking space which may result in a draft becoming infected with nbsps.

    Moderators, please do not close this topic unless the issue is resolved.
    [Moderator note: Topics are automatically closed after 1 year]

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  • Hello hazard2,
    I could also replicate the issue you mentioned.
    Try editing first on the Notepad and copy the content then to the WordPress editor.

    Thread Starter hazard2


    I get your point and agree to some extent, that the solution to this problem lies in avoiding the WordPress editor, compose in a reasonable editor and copy/paste to WordPress when done. For one part, this is a good idea anyway, because WordPress’ smartness will abolish all double spaces, accidental multiple spaces as well as fully intended multiple spaces, as you paste — it just sometimes does things it is simply not at all supposed to do. Well, it better do so (really?) because thereby it avoids the automatic creation of unwanted non-breaking spaces.

    Besides the perhaps slightly justified argument that the WordPress editor should be there for something, apart from causing problems, here is the downer: Although most of the problems with unwanted non-breaking spaces can be avoided by composing elsewhere and pasting to WordPress, this isn’t the case for all of them. Regular spaces before bold text or hyperlinks, for instance, are replaced with non-breaking spaces as the text is pasted into WordPress.

    If I want a non-breaking space, dear programmers, I insert a non-breaking space myself and you, programmers, please quit interfering with what I want, quit believing you know better what to do than your users. Thanks! This is not really an item for discussion. It simply needs to fixed!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I’ll move this into the Requests and Feedback forum since it doesn’t look like you’re looking for support.

    Just note that requesting updates to core features is definitely an item that is up for discussion.

    This is not really an item for discussion. It simply needs to fixed!

    Hi have got br tag p tag when add text on textarea…. really its very bad idea to add those function…. wordpress must fix it soon…….

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    @chuda2014, Please don’t say you’ve stopped using WordPress just to make a point. I have re-opened your thread on this issue, so please continue it there if you are looking for support. If you are not looking for support then let us know and we can stop replying: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/stop-automatically-adding-tag-pages-and-post

    Thread Starter hazard2


    Thanks, Andrew Nevins, for adding this to the Request and Feedback list. I hope this is given attention soon. It is actually more severe, than I reported, because there are programs that suppress (some) nbsps, including (some) versions of Firefox (on Windows) and even my pdf printer in MSWord (for Mac) does it (after copying from WordPress’ post preview to Word), which results in words being collated/combined.

    Also I would like to point out that this is not really a request for an update but rather a necessary fix for a serious issue which renders the WordPress editor more or less unusable.

    Elsewhere on this forum someone insisted on the suggestion of working around this by creating the text in a different editor and then just pasting it into WordPress as a completely valid and reasonable solution. Which it is not.

    Is there, by the way, any news about a fix for this in the next version? I was unable to find it in the issue tracker.

    Hi There, we have the same issue on a clients website. There are none breaking charactors nearly everywhere. This causes a lot of trouble, because they are invisible in the editor. Does anybody out ther know how to disable this “feature” for the tinyMCE. Kind Regards, Mirko

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by mireck78.


    @hazard2 is absolutely correct. Here it is months later and the problem has not yet been resolved. I’m pasting here just one very short paragraph, and hopefully it will show what the text looks like in WordPress’s “Text” mode vs. Visual mode. It everything below looks normal, it only means this post converted all the < > references throughout the short paragraph into the single blank spaces they should be in Text mode.

    (Edited b/c all showed up with NO < > intrusions. I will bracket them and hopefully they’ll show up this time.

    Think a moment about this phrase < >and what it< > means. These are words not< > shared lightly — words not< > uttered< > by narcissists or < >egocentrics who might < > place < >preposterous, inordinate values on the information he or she< > may possess.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by jrewing.


    Okay, that didn’t work either. So, just take every single bracketed area and imagine what I’m seeing on my WordPress “Text” page, which is an “& and N and B and S and P and ;” where the above simply put brackets. This is getting ridiculous. I don’t recall ever having these problems with WordPress until about a month ago. I couldn’t even put the letters and punctuation together because when combined it vanishes from these posts.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by jrewing.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by jrewing.


    nbsp are apparently added whenever you go back into the text and edit it. It does not happen in newly written text. But as soon as you write a sentence, then click somewhere in the sentence to remove or change a word, a nbsp pops up. Even if you make sure you don’t add a second space after an exisiting one.

    To me this appears a problem of editing existing copy.

    Dear WordPress team: Please fix this. I care about my words, hence I edit a lot and as a result I am spending 20% of my time in source view to locate all the non-breaking spaces paragraph by paragraph.

    Hi, I have the same problem and it is a stress, because there is not other way that remove them manually, going to find them one by one on edited spaces.

    It is tedious and the presence of these hidden characters Maybe can affect the SEO Ranking.

    I tried in many ways. Even the VI editor is not able to show them in the text copied and pasted in a clean linux text file. But the rendering of the browser finds them.

    I don’t know what to do to fix it.

    To manage this problem, I copy and paste the html text to a Google Docs, I clean the formatting and Copy the cleaned text to the wordpress editor. In this way everything becomes clean, then the hidden characters disappear.

    Really guys, a fixing is tremendously necessary for this problem.

    kind regards


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by jscmal.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by jscmal.

    You can try adding the following to your theme functions.php file, but note that it has not been field-tested for possible conflicts with other plug-ins or processes other than at my development site and my personal blog. It may well be that there is a reason, unknown to me, that the WP editor does this thing, which I have also found annoying, though never had until relatively recently.

    add_filter( 'content_save_pre', 'remove_nbsps' ) ;
    function remove_nbsps( $content ) {
         $content = str_replace( '&nbsp;', ' ', $content ) ;
         return $content ;

    I’d be interested to learn whether this simple solution worked for all and whether any problems turned up with it, but – I’ll just say this since some participants here do not seem like coders – please be careful if you’re not experienced with “hacking” your files – as a single typo in your functions file can take down your site. The proper procedure for making such a change permanently would be to put it in a child theme (or plugin).

    Thank you, CK.

    I have written some code in the past but would not consider myself a coder. What exactly does this do? Does it remove all nbsp right before I save the post? The problem is: Sometimes I set nbsp manually, for example between numbers and units.
    If so, I appreciate your contribution but will wait for a proper fix.

    fert – you’re correct or close enough: That simple function would remove all &nbsp; characters before the post text is saved to the database, and every time you update. You could also write something somewhat similar to remove/replace the characters when the post is actually displayed, or you could write alternatives to target the removal more precisely, or to leave certain marked passages or types of passage alone, and so on.

    When I have the time, I’ll do a little more research into what actually is causing the effect, since that’s where a more efficient solution very probably ought to start.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by CK MacLeod.
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