• nemhancer



    I read all the documents from PixelYourSite and all the topics on various forums. I also watched all videos from PixelYourSite’s Youtube channel and I couldn’t find an answer for my problem.

    I need only the standard events Purchase, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout and ViewContent enabled on both the navigator and the server side and deduplicated correctly. I need nothing else, but…

    I receive Custom Events (Onlyfrom the server) such as init_event, woo_view_content and many others for each of the Woocommerce related actions… When I test events (I always remove the code after finishing), sometimes I receive only the standard ones, sometimes the custom ones and even sometimes it is a mix… So I guess there are standard events that are not registered at all sometimes ?

    My set-up (almost everything by default):

    1st tab:
    – Pixel + CAPI correctly configured (I get standard events from both and they are correctly deduplicated)
    – Active events: 4 Woocommerce active events (0 for the others)
    – Signal events: all disabled
    – Track searches: disabled
    – Dynamic Ads for blog set up: disabled
    – Global settings: default

    2nd tab:
    – Button enabled, but no user defined events

    3d tab:
    – Woocommerce set-up: enabled
    – AddToCart: button clicks / Single Template (Side question, AddToCart events used not fire all the time with “hook” and I have Elementor Pro single product templates, does that make sense to use “Single Template” here?)
    – Events enabled: Purchase, InitiateCheckout, AddToCart and ViewContent.

    In my FB event manager, I have all 4 standard events listed with “Navigator-Server” and many custom events with only “Server”.

    That’s all, so are those Custom Events normal? Anyway, how can I disable them in order to only have standard events registered by both the navigator and the server and correctly deduplicated?

    I would really like to get the Pro version because the plugin is exactly what I need and it is so simple to use, but if I cannott fix the problem I have, it is very unlikely for me to spend such an amount.

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Plugin Author PixelYourSite



    This seems like a very unusual problem, we don’t send “extra” server events.

    Please send me a message on our website. I will email back, so you can sent a screenshot with these extra events, and WooCommerce system report file. Maybe there is some confusion, or maybe there’s something else also sending server data.

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