• barry_


    Hi ??

    I want the calendar to start at the next upcming event, in calendar format not list format. Is this possible?

    I have got it to load showing the next upcoming events but it only seems to show in list format.

    im using this short code

    [my_calendar_upcoming before=”3″ after=”3″ type=”event” fallback=”No events coming up!” category=”General” author=”1″ host=”1″ template=”{title} {daterange} {description}” order=”asc” show_today=”yes” skip=”0″ ltype=”” lvalue=””]

    Everything is great except that its in List format.
    if i add this to the shortcode; format=”calendar” it makes no difference and still shows the list format

    any ideas anyone?


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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    The upcoming events list only shows as a list; you can create custom style for it to change the presentation as you wish, but it doesn’t support the grid format.

    It probably never will, because the grid format is inherently different from the upcoming events list — the grid format iterates over a series of dates, showing what events happen each date, whereas the upcoming events list iterates over a list of events, showing the date of each event.

    Thread Starter barry_


    Thanks for the detailed explanation.

    Is there a way then to show the grid/calendar format, but get it to show the upcoming events first? we dont have any events until next June so the calendar looks totally empty.

    If we can do that then great, if not, does anyone know a WP calendar plug in that can do this?


    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Well, there are a few options. One thing you can do is use the link to the June page of events for your menu instead of the root page, and use that URL to share your calendar for now. That way the calendar would start by showing the events in June.

    You can also add the upcoming events shortcode on the page above the calendar, so that people can see what’s coming up.

    You can use the list view and set the number of months to display to a large enough number that it shows your future events.

    There are a few options, although I’m not sure if any of those meet your needs.

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