• Resolved A.Champion


    I have a lot of locations which have numerous recurring events (birthday listings) and like having each location page displaying the upcoming events for that location. However, with the recurring events, the list is becoming quite large. How can I scope it to only list the upcoming events for the next month? I know there is a shortcode for scope=”month” but where can I insert that? I can see the code to list the upcoming events in settings, formatting, locations, in the ‘single location page format’ that looks like this:

    <h3>Upcoming Events:</h3>

    I’m sure I’m not in the right location but the scope=’month’ doesn’t seem to work here. Can anyone point me in the right location?

    Thanks so much!


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  • Try adding this snippet of code, which will override the standard output of that placeholder:

    function my_em_placeholder_mod($replace, $EM_Location, $result){
    	switch( $result ){
    	$events = EM_Events::get( array('location'=>$EM_Location->location_id, 'scope'=>'1-months', 'limit'=>3) );
    if ( count($events) > 0 ){
    			$replace = get_option('dbem_location_event_list_item_header_format');
    			foreach($events as $event){
    				$replace .= $event->output(get_option('dbem_location_event_list_item_format'));
    			$replace .= get_option('dbem_location_event_list_item_footer_format');
    		} else {
    			$replace = get_option('dbem_location_no_events_message');
    	return $replace;

    You can change the scope and limit options to suit your listings.

    Thread Starter A.Champion


    should this be placed in the “Settings”, “Formatting”, “Single location page format” section or elsewhere? I can’t seem to get it to work posting it there. Thanks so much for your help.

    Sorry, I should’ve mentioned that it needs to go in the functions.php file of your theme.

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