• Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    I thought it would be wise to tell you of my plans for upcoming releases.

    Version 4.0 will come next and, for some, may not be welcome. Sorry. This will strip away some of the lesser used features that don’t work properly anymore or on the edge of breaking anyway. This includes transcripts, OBJECT embedding and I’m reviewing whether caching is adding enough benefit. The end result will be a slot slicker and easier to maintain.

    Version 4.1 will then be a massive bug squasher. Any urgent bugs will have been fixed in 4.0 but this will tie up all those remaining.

    Version 4.2 will then add a few minor new features as well as include some maintenance that needs doing.

    Version 4.3 will add Shortcake support – this is a rather spiffy plugin that simplifies shortcodes – instead of having to remember the shortcode and list of parameters, you can simply choose them from a pop-up list. It’s hoped that Shortcake will be added into WordPress Core in the longer term, so early support will be a good start!

    If there’s anything specific you’d like to see or want to strongly oppose any of the above, then please comment below ??



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  • Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    I’ve moved my bug tracking data from MantisBT to FlySpray. YouTube Embed enhancements and defects can be found here…


    Feel free to sign up, vote for items, add comments or even log your own.


    Hello David,

    I just wish you could take a look on the microdata result from Yandex


    if you test one of my post in the url:


    It throw out several errors, I know google does not, but maybe in the future it will?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    I hadn’t realised – I’ll add it to my list and get it sorted!


    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Righty ho, version 4 is well under-way. As mentioned above this is a review of all the features and, where necessary, removal. Basically, a clean-up and massive bug fix. This includes me working with the chaps at EmbedPlus to update the feature-set of their code.

    Version 4.1 will now be for adding additional features (inc. new EmbedPlus options) – nothing new will be added in 4.0.

    Version 4.2 will be the shortcake update.


    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Here’s the current roadmap of changes… https://artiss.co.uk/bugtracker/index.php?do=roadmap&project=2

    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    davidebabylonia – I’ve just been looking at your request. I’ve improved the metadata further, getting rid of some of the errors and adding in extra data. However, Yandex insists on some fields I simply can’t provide, such as video length. If I put the API processing back in then I can do this, otherwise not. Different search engines have different requirements and, right now, I’m satisfying Google which is the main aim.

    I’ll update when I know anything different.


    Thank you very much for your work, what about my proposal of add to the video thumbnail the PLAY icon in overlay?

    see the difference here:

    Modified, thumbnail but with PLAY button: here

    I did that by rough modification to the code in generate-thumbnail-code.php as:

    $youtube_code .= '<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/' . $id . '/' . $version . '.jpg"';
    	if ( $width != '' ) { $youtube_code .= ' width="' . $width . '"'; } // cookingwithpeachy removed px for pass validation
    	if ( $height != '' ) { $youtube_code .= ' height="' . $height . '"'; } // cookingwithpeachy removed px for pass validation
    	$youtube_code .= ' title="' . $alt . '" alt="' . $alt . '"/><img class="youtube-play" src="https://www.cookingwithpeachy.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/service/youtube-play-badge.png" width="120" height="98" title="Play on YouTube" alt="Play button"/>'; // cookingwithpeachy added title attribute and badge overlay
    	if ( !$nolink ) { $youtube_code .= '</a>'; }
    	return $youtube_code;

    but im sure you can do much better

    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    I hadn’t spotted that request and, yes, I like it. I’ll add it to the change list!


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