• Resolved Mark


    Hi, I just updated your plugin from 1.3.34 to 1.3.36 and now a plugin I have used for many years does not work anymore. It’s called “Better Search Replace”.

    Now, whenever I try and do database search using the Better Search Replace plugin I get an “An error occurred processing your request. Try decreasing the “Max Page Size”, or contact support” message.

    I tested this on multiple sites and all sites experience this after installing your latest update. Any ideas why your plugin breaks “Better Search Replace”?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Mark.
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  • Thread Starter Mark


    UPDATE: Even when I disable your plugin, “Better Search Replace” still does not work. This doesn’t make any sense. It seems to hang on the wp_options table now when doing a search/replace. What did your plugin update do to the wp_options table? Did it corrupt it?

    I tested this on multiple sites. Before updating your plugin, no problems, updated just your plugin, broken. Disabled plugin, still broken even when disabled. I use better search replace all the time and need it to work again.

    Thread Starter Mark


    ANOTHER UPDATE: I just re-copied over the old version of your plugin into my plugins directory from a backup and the issue with Better Search Replace is resolved. Though, not sure why the update breaks it and also not sure why adding old version back fixed it – I assume then that it didn’t mess with my wp_options table after all. That said, something still seems off with the latest update, because it definitely breaks “Better Search Replace” plugin. Hoping you can figure this out so I can continue to use these plugins together.

    Hey @markob17,

    Thanks for the update we’ll see if we can reproduce this and get a fix in.


    Thread Starter Mark


    Awesome. Let me know if you need me to do more testing.

    Hey! I had a similar problem when using the All-in-One WP Migration plug-in. Database update failed. According to the All-in-One WP Migration error log, there is a problem with the “duplicator_packages” table.

    When I disabled Duplicator on both sites, the migration was successful.

    Hey @markob17 @nevaha

    We have tried to install both plugins but have not been able to reproduce those issues. If you want to submit a support ticket for this issue we can have a closer look at your setup. Please provide a link to this thread when submitting the ticket.


    Thread Starter Mark


    @corylamleorg Interesting. Perhaps it’s something with my setup. Very odd behavior for sure, especially considering it still didn’t work with plugin disabled. I have no idea. I will do some additional testing on a third and fourth site with similar setup and will submit a ticket perhaps.


    Hello and thank you!

    I made a fresh new WordPress install (all up to date and no other plugins etc.) and I still get erros with All-in-One WP Migration. This is my error log (from All-in-One WP Migration):

    {"type":1,"message":"Uncaught Error: Cannot access property started with '\\0' in \/home\/XXXX\/public_html\/XXXX\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/vendor\/servmask\/database\/class-ai1wm-database-utility.php:79\nStack trace:\n#0 \/home\/XXXX\/public_html\/XXXX\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/vendor\/servmask\/database\/class-ai1wm-database-utility.php(79): Ai1wm_Database_Utility::replace_serialized_values(Array, Array, Object(DUP_Database), false)\n#1 \/home\/XXXX\/public_html\/XXXX\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/vendor\/servmask\/database\/class-ai1wm-database-utility.php(65): Ai1wm_Database_Utility::replace_serialized_values(Array, Array, Object(DUP_Package), true)\n#2 \/home\/XXXX\/public_html\/XXXX\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/vendor\/servmask\/database\/class-ai1wm-database.php(1508): Ai1wm_Database_Utility::replace_serialized_values(Array, Array, 'O:11:\"DUP_Packa...')\n#3 [internal function]: Ai1wm_Database->replace_table_values_callback(Array)","file":"\/home\/XXXX\/public_html\/XXXX\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/vendor\/servmask\/database\/class-ai1wm-database-utility.php","line":79}

    When I disabled Duplicator everything is fine.

    Hope this helps?

    Thread Starter Mark


    I just installed your latest plugin update on another site of mine and Better Search Replace now does not work – same error as other sites. Not sure why it’s breaking on every site. Could it have something to do with my PHP version? I am running PHP 7.4.7. Tried 7.2 and same problem. I noticed Better Search Replace is hanging on the wp_duplicator_packages table.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Mark.

    @markob17 @nevaha

    If either of you can submit a ticket request, see the link above we can have a closer look. We have not been able to reproduce this issue on our test sites.


    Yes! Same here. Table “wp_duplicator_packages” leads to an error within the find- & replace process of the two plugins “Better Search Replace” and “WP Migrate DB”.
    ALL other tables are processed fine.

    Update: Deleting all archives ( –> empty table) solves the issue. Also after creating a new archive plugins work.

    Thread Starter Mark


    @koepi So all I have to do is delete any archives? Hmm. I don’t think I have any. How do I empty table? Do I need to do something in PhpMyadmin or something?

    In my case I only had to delete all archives within Duplicator. That empties the relating table which causes the issue. Deleting table within phpmyadmin may also solve the issue, but keep in mind that probably some files and database entrys of duplicator will be left at other places. Didn’t test that.

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