• Hello,

    I’m facing a very strange issue and after spending a lot of hours searching a solution, I come get your help.

    I have a wordpress blog since 2013. The website worked very full until few days.
    Few days ago, I log in to my admin page and I see that somes updates are available (2 plugins and my parent template).
    I proceed with the upgrade, it was okay. The following day, I go to my login page and I get a 404 error. As I’m using WPD hide login, I tried to access the /wp-admin page directly, and I get the login form. But when I enter my credentials, WordPress answer “wrong user or password”. Of course, I’m sure of my credentials…
    I searched a fix, I disabled all plugins etc, but it doesn’t work… the behavior is the same…
    I restored my server to the previous day (when all was allright, before processing the update). And get back my admin access ??
    But I can’t proceed with updates, because, each time i’m facing the same issue.

    I thinked about a cache problem. So I tried to disable WPRocket from the plugins page : WP says it’s successfull but nothing changes : the plugin stay enable.
    Now, when I try to disable a plugin, I’m facing the same issue : wordpress says “successfull” but the plugin is still enable…

    Do you alreadey get this behavior ? Smebody has an idea to help me ?

    WP 5.8.1 – WP rocket – Redis-Object-Cache
    Debian10 – apache2 – php7.4-fpm – mariadb

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Sandstorm_gaf.
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  • This might be a caching issue or it could possibly be an issue with the WPD hide login plugin that you’re using. I see you said you are using wp rocket for caching, I do caching at the server level not using plugins. I’d suggest disabling the WPD hide login plugin by changing only the name of only that plugins folder and adding


    to the end of its name.

    I hope this helps. Happy blogging!

    Thread Starter Sandstorm_gaf


    Hi Davood Denavi,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I deleted the Rocket plugin. The problem is still here.
    I think the issue is linked to Redis Object Cache : I can’t disable the plugin from admin page and when I rename the folder of this plugin, I’m facing the issue with the login….

    But I don’t know to solve that…

    I suggested that you disable the wp hide login plugin not the caching plugin. If you think the problem is related to Redis object cache then you need to contact WP Rocket support for assistance. You can do so here: https://wp-rocket.me/support/

    Sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance. Hopefully that gets you headed in the correct direction.

    Thread Starter Sandstorm_gaf


    Thanks again Davood.

    I already open a ticket in WPRocket, i’m waiting…
    I will try to deactivate WPS hide login tomorrow. ??


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