• Plugin Author bradvin


    After updating FooGallery, if you get a fatal error or your website crashes and is not working, please follow these steps to get your site back up and running:

    1. Login to your website hosting control panel
    2. From file explorer or FTP, locate your wp-content/plugins directory
    3. Delete the foogallery directory
    4. Your site should now be back up and running, but without FooGallery
    5. Download the previous version of FooGallery from this page : https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/foogallery/advanced/ (scroll down to Previous Versions)
    6. In your wp-admin, goto plugins, then Add New, then upload
    7. Upload the foogallery zip from step 5 and activate
    8. Your site should now be back up and running with the previous version of FooGallery

    Please Help Us Fix The Problem

    Now we need to figure out what went wrong, but we need your help!
    Login to you website hosting panel and find your PHP error logs. If you cannot, then please contact your host support and ask them for your PHP error logs.

    Open a ticket on this forum, or reply to this thread and paste the PHP error log details related to FooGallery. These logs help us identify where the error is and how to fix it. We also need to know what version of PHP and WP you are using. If you do not know this, then you can find it in your wp-admin from FooGallery -> System Info. You can also paste your system info into your ticket, which will help us.

    Many thanks and sorry for any inconvenience caused

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