• Resolved WP Monkey


    When I updated to the newest version of your plugin, my shortcode is no longer working and gives me a Error parsing: Invalid CSS selector error.

    The code was:
    [wpws url="https://www.tripcheck.com/popups/WSDetails.asp?SCANStation=100002" selector="table:eq(0)" user_agent="Bot at mysite.com" on_error="error_show" basehref="https://www.tripcheck.com/" cache="1"]

    and I saw in your documentation that the “query” argument is now used instead of “selector” so I replace it, but still an error.
    [wpws url="https://www.tripcheck.com/popups/WSDetails.asp?SCANStation=100002" query="table:eq(0)" user_agent="Bot at mysite.com" on_error="error_show" basehref="https://www.tripcheck.com/" cache="1"]

    I looked through your examples but did not see information or examples for tables. Do you have more information on that?



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  • Plugin Author Akshay Raje


    Use query=”table” eq=”0″ instead. Check Arguments API for more details.

    Thread Starter WP Monkey


    Thanks, when I looked at the Arguments API there was no mention of the syntax for tables, same for the Query documentation, general references and drilling down to many subjects didn’t show me any table selector syntax. So thank you for the response.

    Plugin Author Akshay Raje


    query=”table” does nothing but selects the first table using a CSS selector – pretty much like selecting any other element – nothing specific or special about selecting tables.



    I’m using this query successfully, but I’d like to have more control over the table elements.
    query=”.standardTable tr td” eq=”16″

    Before your update, I could select the second row and third element specifically, using selector=”.standardTable tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)”

    The query I’m using requires me to count down from the first row, first element. Is there a way to code it using the new query format so I can access specific rows and elements?

    Plugin Author Akshay Raje


    @teebark unfortunately no. The reason is that I have consciously decided to support CSS specification only for better forward compatibility and eq() filters are native to jQuery and not standard CSS specification so dropped it.

    Btw, you can do the exact thing using XPath if you want.

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