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  • Hi secondhands,

    What plugin are you using for your products? It seems to us that you are trying to use the Ultimate FAQ with another plugin. We have tested with both our Ultimate FAQ in conjunction with our Ultimate Product Catalog, and it does not display anything wrongly. Please let us know which plugin it is.

    Also, we would suggest you to try our Product Catalog since our plugins are made to be compatible with each other. It offers also a tabbed view of your products. You may look at an example here: Demo

    Best regards,

    Etoile Web Design

    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi Secondhands,

    Can you try disabling the FAQ plugin, and seeing if that fixes the issue? There don’t seem to be any javascript errors on the page, so it’s hard to tell what might be going wrong. Was it working correctly before updating?

    I see similar issue in my DEV site. WooCommerce being used with latest GA WordPress and most all other plug-ins. The product tabs in product details do not display at all.

    Ultimate FAQ works fine in PROD site using v0.26.

    In addition to interaction with WooCommerce product tabs, the expand/collapse in widget display of FAQ doesn’t expand/collapse anymore. It just goes to new page showing FAQ.

    It kind of looks like some sort of JavaScript issue.

    VERY, VERY certain UltimateFAQ is the culprit. If I disable this plug-in, product tabs display fine. Enable it and above symptoms occur.

    Hi KC,

    Thank you for providing us more information on the issue. We are currently looking into it and will release an update as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Best regards,

    I’m seeing the same issue.

    For some reason it adds “display: none;” to the content of the tabs. Below is a snippet so you can see what classes are in play. I’m guessing its a jquery ui/class naming conflict.

    <div class="woocommerce-tabs wc-tabs-wrapper">
         <ul class="tabs wc-tabs">
            <li class="description_tab">
                   <a href="#tab-description">Description</a>
    	<li class="additional_information_tab">
    		<a href="#tab-additional_information">Additional Information</a>
              <div class="panel entry-content wc-tab" id="tab-description" style="display: none;">
    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi guys,

    Would one of you be able to try version 1.0.6 ( and see if that issue persists?

    Based on the code, there’s no obvious conflict. The main JS for the FAQ plugin doesn’t add “display:none;” directly at any point, so it might be the jQuery plugin that we added for color picking. It’s not obvious in that jQuery file either though.

    So v1.0.6 doesn’t exhibit either issue with WooCommerce product tabs, nor faq widget expand/collapse.

    Hopefully this helps chase this issue further and resolve it. Thank you for your support.

    I installed every version from 1.0.6 to current and found the issue show up when you crossed over to 1.1.0. I’m currently running 1.0.9 and it’s working.

    I hope that narrows it down for you.

    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi kc and jr,

    Thanks for the information, that’s very helpful. It definitely relates to the new options or skins that we added in 1.1.0 in that case. We should be able to find out what could have been causing the error in the next couple of days and release an update.

    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi guys,

    This should be fixed as of 1.1.4, we found the conflict, although still not sure why it was stopping the WC script from setting the display style to “block” for the first tab.

    Thanks. I’ll test it.

    Looks good! There was a simultaneous update of WooCommerce, WordPress and Ultimate FAQ and everything went perfectly.

    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Thanks jr, that’s great to hear!

    If you’ve got a minute to leave a review ( they’re super appreciated!

    So product pages seems fixed with v1.1.6. However, I also shared that using the UFAQ widget expand/collapse to view in place doesn’t work either. This is still broken. Clicking on title link takes you to FAQ page as before. So I’d call it half-working, give or take.

    Nice work on fixing the other issue so quickly.

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