• Resolved lagunas


    I have a few relationship fields related to taxonomies, and I would like to update all the taxonomies from the values stored in each relationship field.

    Following the example provided in this article I was able to update one taxonomy. But this code seems to only work for the first taxonomy and not the others. Here’s a sample of the code I have in functions.php:

    This first part is working:

    add_action( 'pods_api_post_save_pod_item', 'anio_update', 10, 3 );
    function anio_update( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id ) {
        // get the values of the 'anios_rel' field
        $terms = $pieces[ 'fields' ][ 'anios_rel' ][ 'value' ];
        if ( empty( $terms ) ) {
             //if there is nothing there set $term to null to avoid errors
            $terms = null;
        } else {
            if ( ! is_array($terms) ) {
                 //create an array out of the comma separated values
                $terms = explode(',', $terms);
             //ensure all values in the array are integer (otherwise the numerical value is taken as a new taxonomy term instead of an ID)
                $terms = array_map('intval', $terms);
         //Set the term for taxonomy 'anio' with $terms
        wp_set_object_terms( $id, $terms, 'anio', false );  

    This part comes right after the first one, and is not updating the taxonomy:

    add_action( 'pods_api_post_save_pod_item', 'pais_update', 10, 3 );
    function pais_update( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id ) {
        // get the values of the 'pais_rel' field
        $terms = $pieces[ 'fields' ][ 'pais_rel' ][ 'value' ];
        if ( empty( $terms ) ) {
             //if there is nothing there set $term to null to avoid errors
            $terms = null;
        } else {
            if ( ! is_array($terms) ) {
                 //create an array out of the comma separated values
                $terms = explode(',', $terms);
             //ensure all values in the array are integer (otherwise the numerical value is taken as a new taxonomy term instead of an ID)
                $terms = array_map('intval', $terms);
         //Set the term for taxonomy 'pais' with $terms
        wp_set_object_terms( $id, $terms, 'pais', false );  

    With this code only the first taxonomy gets updated, regardless of what taxonomy is first. I’ve tested every part of the code by itself, and it works. The problem is when there is more than one taxonomy to be updated.

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Thread Starter lagunas


    I’ve tried with single and multi select relationship fields, and also pods_api_post_save_pod_item_{podname} instead of pods_api_post_save_item, but nothing has worked so far.

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    The provided code looks fine at first glance, but reading carefully through the documentation of wp_set_object_terms(), especially compared to wp_set_post_terms(), and considering possible behaviors of multiple functions attached to the same priority, below is an option that may either work or provide feedback on what may be causing it to not work as expected:

    	function( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id ) {
    		// Uncomment the following line to avoid processing on unrelated post types.
    		// if ( 'post-type-name-here' !== get_post_type( $id ) ) { return; }
    			 * A keyed array where the key is the name of the taxonomy field,
    			 * and the value is the name of the taxonomy.
    				'anios_rel' => 'anio',
    				'pais_rel'  => 'pais',
    			as  $field_key => $taxonomy_slug
    		) {
    			$terms = $pieces[ 'fields' ][ $field_key ][ 'value' ];
    			 * wp_set_post_terms() takes a comma-separated string or an array.
    			 * Passing an empty array will clear all term associations,
    			 * while passing null or false or an integer will cause an error.
    			if ( is_numeric( $terms ) && 0 !== intval( $terms ) && false === strpos( (string) $terms, ',') ) {
    				// If the field is a single number, perhaps from a single-select, treat it as an integer in an array.
    				$terms = [ (int) $terms ];
    			if ( empty( $terms ) || ! is_array( $terms ) ) {
    				// If terms is anything similar to "nothing", pass an empty array, which will clear all term associations.
    				$terms = [];
    			 * Save the terms.
    			 * @see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/wp_set_post_terms/
    			 * which has been chosen over:
    			 * @see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/wp_set_object_terms/
    			 * ...as it will verify a relationship is possible before attempting to set it.
    			$result = wp_set_post_terms(
    				(int) $id,
    				is_array( $terms ) ? array_map( 'intval', $terms ) : $terms,
    			 * If anything goes wrong, an error message will be written to the PHP error log,
    			 * indicating the current file, line number, taxonomy, terms, field key, Post ID, and error message.
    			 * Possible error messages might include things like, "the taxonomy is not connected to this post type".
    			 * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/5127884
    			if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
    						'%s encountered an error in %s on line %s when setting %s taxonomy terms %s from field %s on Post ID %s: %s',
    						is_array( $terms ) ? implode( ', ', $terms ) : (string) $terms,

    Some key differences in this version include:

    • Processing is combined to one function to avoid potential complications from functions at the same priority being blocked by an unexpected error. It would be similar to change priority 10 for the two actions to something like 10 and 11.
    • Data type casting is revised to reconcile all possible inputs with the expected arguments for setting a taxonomy. For example, null is a datatype that would have caused an error —?the appropriate value for “nothing” is an empty string or array. Integers, strings, arrays, strings containing numbers, and all forms of empty data are considered, so it should work for single-select, multi-select, or any possible exotic configuration.
    • wp_set_post_terms() is chosen over wp_set_object_terms(), as they are very similar, but the first will check for and report on more causes of potential error. Each of these can take a comma-separated string of IDs or an array of integers.
    • If an error occurs, detailed information on all the variables at play, as well as the error message from the database, will be logged to the PHP error log. For example, if something is failing because a taxonomy is not connected, or an invalid term or datatype is sent, the error will be logged.
    • There is a commented line of code at the top which can be uncommented with a relevant value for post-type-name-here to avoid processing on unrelated post types. This would have the same effect as using pods_api_post_save_pod_item_{podname}.
    Thread Starter lagunas


    Thank you so much!

    The new code has solved most of the issues.
    All taxonomies are updated from relationship field values, as long as each key-value pair is unique.
    I also wanted to update one taxonomy with values from different relationship fields. When I add those to the foreach only the last key-value pair is updated. There is no error message in the PHP error log.

    Is it possible to update a taxonomy with values from different fields?

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    One would need to combine the values of the two fields, e.g., with array_merge() and array_unique(), before setting to the database.

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    This isn’t tested, as it’s a bit of an exotic requirement, but should work:

      function( $pieces, $is_new_item, $id ) {
        // Uncomment the following line to avoid processing on unrelated post types.
        // if ( 'post-type-name-here' !== get_post_type( $id ) ) { return; }
           * A keyed array where the key is the slug of the taxonomy,
           * and the value is the name of the taxonomy term field.
            // Key: Slug of the taxonomy.
            'anio' => [
              // Values: Various term fields to be normalized and combined.
            'pais'  => [
              // A string within an array to represent one field. Not just a string.
          as $taxonomy_slug => $field_keys
        ) {
           * Normalize and merge terms from one or more fields.
           * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-reduce.php
          $terms = array_reduce(
            function( $returned_terms, $field_key ){
              $field_terms = $pieces[ 'fields' ][ $field_key ][ 'value' ];
               * wp_set_post_terms() takes a comma-separated string or an array.
               * Passing an empty array will clear all term associations,
               * while passing null or false or an integer will cause an error.
              if ( is_numeric( $field_terms ) && 0 !== intval( $field_terms ) && false === strpos( (string) $field_terms, ',' ) ) {
                // If the field is a single number, perhaps from a single-select, treat it as an integer in an array.
                $field_terms = [ (int) $field_terms ];
              if ( is_string( $field_terms ) ) {
                // If terms is text, explode into array by comma.
                $field_terms = explode( ',', $field_terms );
              if ( empty( $field_terms ) || ! is_array( $field_terms ) ) {
                // If terms is anything similar to "nothing", pass an empty array, which will clear all term associations.
                $field_terms = [];
              return array_unique(
                  (array) $returned_terms,
                  (array) $field_terms
            [] // Default starting array of term IDs.
           * Save the terms.
           * @see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/wp_set_post_terms/
           * which has been chosen over:
           * @see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/wp_set_object_terms/
           * ...as it will verify a relationship is possible before attempting to set it.
          $result = wp_set_post_terms(
            (int) $id,
            array_map( 'intval', (array) $terms ),
           * If anything goes wrong, an error message will be written to the PHP error log,
           * indicating the current file, line number, taxonomy, terms, field key, Post ID, and error message.
           * Possible error messages might include things like, "the taxonomy is not connected to this post type".
           * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/5127884
          if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
                '%s encountered an error in %s on line %s when setting %s taxonomy terms %s from field %s on Post ID %s: %s',
                is_array( $terms ) ? implode( ', ', $terms ) : (string) $terms,

    The difference here is that the initial array for the foreach loop has had keys and values switched, such that the key is a taxonomy slug, and the value is an array of one or more fields to be combined into that taxonomy (not a single string!).

    The expected behavior is that the named fields will contain some form of sane representation of taxonomy term IDs: either an array of integers, a string like 123 or 123,456,789, or some form of “nothing”.

    array_reduce() is a core PHP function which iterates over values in an array, such as field names, and combines them into a final result, in this case $returned_terms which is stored to $terms.

    So the eventual result is that $terms passed to wp_set_post_terms() will always be an array, containing a combined result of all terms in all fields related to the taxonomy because of array_merge(), deduplicated because of array_unique(), and always an array of of IDs regardless of field or datatype because of various input datatype sanitization checks.

    When all this is passed to wp_set_post_terms(), the final input is array_map( 'intval', (array) $terms ) to strictly assure that the passed value will always be an array and it will only contain IDs represented as integers.

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Paul Clark.
    Thread Starter lagunas


    Thank you!!
    With that new code I’m getting multiple php errors when trying to update the post (same error line, many times):

    Warning: Undefined variable $pieces
    Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

    Both referring to the line $field_terms = $pieces[ 'fields' ][ $field_key ][ 'value' ];

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    Looks like we posted near the same time.

    The recent example should work.

    Please refer to PHP.net documentation, such as:

    …for understanding, as functions are magic, but they are also not magic: they have to be used according to expected input and output datatypes in order to work.


    • array_merge() will merge arrays, but it’s not meaningful until the arrays contain term IDs.
    • foreach will iterate an array or similar datatypes, but it is not meaningful to pass it an array containing a single array, as [ ... ] means array().

    Also see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.print-r.php, https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.error-log.php, and sometimes https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.var-dump.php, especially when combined with an output buffer, as these can be meaningful for logging and understanding the contents of variables and their data structures, especially in their return / log form, rather than default output form.

    For example:

    This will output information about a variable to the PHP error log. true is important.

    error_log( 'The terms: ' . print_r( $terms, true ) );

    This will do the same thing, with extremely verbose datatype notation. The ob_* functions are important to cause logging instead of output, as output can be alarming to users and may not be available for many save actions, AJAX actions, or other background operations, such as Cron.

    echo 'The terms: ';
    var_dump( $terms );
    error_log( ob_get_clean() );

    Within the context of this Pods action, this may be helpful for understanding of what one is starting with:

         'Everything in $pieces passed from the fields: %s',
         print_r( $pieces, true )
    Thread Starter lagunas


    I saw your message as soon as I posted mine. Tried to reply back but must have messed something up because now I can’t see the original message. Sorry about that!

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation!
    Functions are magic indeed! But also, of course, not. I (think I) can understand your reasoning, but I’m afraid I don’t have the skills to debug the code (or even understand the error messages) by myself.

    Since most of the issues were resolved by your first answer, I’m going to mark this as resolved and find a workaround for the cases in which I want the same taxonomy to be updated from the values of different relationship fields (maybe update them manually from the taxonomy meta box).

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    Okay, great @lagunas. The revised code for multiple fields to one taxonomy was posted in this one. (Starts with “This isn’t tested…”, but should work.)

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Paul Clark.
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